Mini-Study Guides, 1994-5
"More Than Conquerors"
8. Crying for the Shepherd
Scripture Meditation: Isaiah 55:1-13
The prophet Isaiah said:
"...turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy...and to our God, He will freely pardon" (Isa.55:7).
Brethren and sisters, not only does being "more than a conqueror" not mean freedom from mistakes, but it does not mean either than we never again commit a wrong act or sin. But wait, you may say: if you focus people's attention on the fact that when they sin they can find instant forgiveness, it will make them weak Christians. They will go for the soft option whenever they are under pressure.
There is, of course, some truth in this. This provision must not be our constant focus, but it is there nevertheless. John said: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). Though there must be an absoluteness about living for the Lord, we must not forget that there is a provision for us when we sin. We are not to concentrate on that provision, but we are to partake of it whenever necessary.
Suppose we do fall into sin? What then? We get on our knees and ask God's forgiveness for it and set about any righting of wrongs that may be necessary. We may have lost a skirmish, but that does not mean we have lost the battle. Indeed, we may even lose a battle and still win the war.
One of the differences between a sheep and a pig is that when a sheep falls into a mud hole it bleats and bleats until it gets out. When a pig falls into a mud hole it loves it, delights in it and would wallow in it for ever. A true and growing Christian is someone who goes out into the day availing himself or herself of the power to overcome sin. And if, perchance, that person sins, they do not sink deeper into the mud but cry out for the Shepherd.
So what will you be -- a sheep or a pig? Stay clear of the mud holes but if you do fall in, don't stop struggling in prayer and repentance until you are out! Let us pray:
O Father, help us to get our perspective right on these two issues -- the victory available and the provision for sin. Carry me through every day helping me to think not so much that it is possible to sin, but that it is possible NOT to sin. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

This page was created on 16 May 1998
Updated on 16 May 1998
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