The NCAY Messianic Ecumenical Banner (2017)
The messianic movement has few, if any, in the way of ecumenical or union flags and those that do exist, amongst Messianic Jews in particular, invariably and inevitably connect to Zionism and to the Republic of Israel with their particular symbology, with which NCAY has no connection.
The NCAY Messianic Ecumental Banner (top) consists of the Messianic Evangelical tricolour of black, white and blue but with the white strip more than doubled in size and the black and blue stripes halved. In the centre of the white stripe, enlarged to accommodate logo, is the logo of the Melchizedek Priesthood (designed by Avah Batyah) which has also been used to represent NCAY as a whole at sundry times. The NCAY Messianic Ecumental Banner is similar, therefore, in some respects to the Melchizedek Priesthood Banner element-wise. The superficial resemblance of the stripe proportions to the Israeli flag (below) is in recognition of our fraternity with many Messianic Jews worldwide.
As Torah-observant Evangelicals, what links us to messianics is the Torah as opposed to the accreted traditions of Talmudic Judaism which we reject. The NCAY Messianic Ecumenical Banner reflects that association symbolically though with its living menorah as opposed to the metal one of the Old Covenant.
As an example of the latter from another ministry, see the Torah Institute with its well designed 'Natsarim Yishraal banner' which imitates the modern Israeli flag, substituting the hexagram for an Old Covenant menorah with the name of Yahweh in paleo-Hebrew above and with a lighter shade of blue:
Banner of the Torah Institute
Flag of the modern Israeli Republic
See the parallel NCAY Evangelical Ecumenical Banner

This page was created on 9 March 2017
Updated on 9 March 2017
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