Every New Covenant Temple -- whether those loated in the centres of Firstborn Colonies or in the small Temple Rooms to be found in some Metropolitan or Local Assembly meeting houses -- has a Temple Banner which consists of a simple blue background with the Temple Logo in the centre.

The Logo has two parts: a Lamb (Yah'shua Messiah - Jesus Christ) carrying a simple
Mission Banner, the simplest yet most fundamental unit of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY). Thus, in a way, the 'least' (the humble Mission) is also the 'greatest'.
Underneath the Lamb is a twelve-pointed star containing the 'Firstborn Cross'. The 12-pointed star represents many different things on different spiritual levels, including the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 Apostle-Patriarchs, etc.. The 'Firstborn Cross' consists of two Hebrew SHIN's, the one above (the heavenly) reflecting down on its mirror image (the earthly), and stylised to look a bit like a Russian SHSZ. Shin is the letter added to YAHWEH to make YAHSHUA and represents AHAVAH (LOVE). Thus the Firstborn Cross is the Ahavah (Love) of Elohim (God) revealed in Messiah (the upper Shin) and manifested in His talmidim (disciples) (the reflected, lower Shin). Two versions are shown to the left (the older one) and to the right (a newer design).
Temple Banners are never to be found outside temples. Their presence represents the toqef (authority) given by the Presiding Patriarchate and to temple administrators to execute the ordinances and covenants of the Chavurah Bekorot, or Holy Order.
Temple Banners also appear within temples in different colours which symbolise different grades of Priesthood as shown in part of the East Altar in the former temple at Kadesh-biyqah below: