Assemblies or Bishoprics
NCAY Central/Metropolitan Banner (2017)
This newly designed banner (2017) is used by Central Assemblies, also known as Mother Assemblies or Metropolitian Assemblies (in larger towns and cities), which are governed by a Bishopric (also known as a Central or Metropolitan Pastorate) which have the watchcare of several Local Branches and Missions. This new banner is based on an earlier design for the Local Branches made in 1996 that was never adopted and consists of a dark blue background with the black, white and blue tricolour in the upper hoist. The Messianic Evangelical Lion rampant (third variant) occupies the right hand half of the banner.
This banner replaces the much older version based on the old Local Branch banner which used the now discontinued Melchizedek Priesthood Logo and has not seen service since 2009:
Former Metropolitan Banner (1995-2009)
The historical Central Banner is based on the simple Mission Banner consisting of a white background (symbolising purity), a red cross
(the blood and atonement of Messiah) and the New Covenant horizontal tricolour in the upper-canton of black (opposition and persecution), white (holiness) and blue (wisdom). In the centre of the old tricolour was a golden Firstborn Cross, and in the centre of the red cross was a Royal Melchizedek Priesthood Logo (discontinued in 2009). This is shown in the picture below between two Priesthood Banners (formerly Independent Church Branch banners).
A former Metropolitan Banner (Oslo) flanked by two
former Priesthood Banners (Oslo and Østland)

This page was created on 14 April 1998
Updated on 7 March 2017
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