4. Holy Echad Marriage (HEM) Logos
Holy Echad Marriage (HEM) is a division of New Covenant Ministries specialising in marriage counselling. The basic logo of HEM (below), designed by Lev-Tsiyon, consists of two elements:
- (1) Two flowers, inspired by a parable in the Third Book of Abraham; and
- (2) a stylised Hebrew letter shin bearing an extra (fourth) arm representing, and including the names of, the four mothers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The complete logo also includes a bride and a dove representing the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) bearing an olive branch (above):
Another version of this logo in use, also designed by Lev-Tsiyon, incorporates acorns and uses the quadruple shin as a letter 'M':
An online discussion network banner, designed by Avah Batyah, incorporates the simple HEM logo:
A number of experimental logos by 'Deborah Peterson' reducing the HEM logo to a simple quadruple shin are also coming into use, the first attempting to depict by rainbow colour interfaces the Sevenfold Ruach haQodesh:

Another design known as the 'HEM Star' represents the sevenfold union of the Ruach haQodesh interfacting and melding in echad:
A combination of these was used as the banner for the former HEM Discussion Network:
A similar concept in the form of an HEM logo was earlier created by Avah Batyah depicting the Sevenfold Ruach haQodesh in rainbow colours dancing in praise and worship:
Six years later Avah Batyah designed an image called Fruits of Echad to depict the echad or unity of a HEM family shown as composite elements of a tree:

This page was created on 23 June 2009
Updated on 9 March 2017
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