How Much of Ourselves Should We Reveal..and to Whom?
Being Open Before Yahweh
The Bible calls us to be open before Yahweh, as seen in these two passages:
"Search me, Elohim/God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:, NIV)
"And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account" (Hebrews 13:4)
Honesty in Our Spiritual Journey
These verses encourage us to let go of hidden sins and be honest in our spiritual journey. By doing so, we allow God's light to guide us and transform our lives. Confession is a powerful act of transparency.
Nothing in all creation is hidden from our Father, Yahweh. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes, and He is the one to whom we are accountable.
Selective Transparency
That does not mean, however, that we should be completely transparent to every human being, a lesson that can be hard and painful to learn at times. In an ideal world, the New Creation World of the Resurrection, all will be transparent to those who are transparent. Those who are purer will be able to see through those who are not, but not the other way round. Each glory is shielded by a spiritual two-way mirror enabling us to see horizontally and downwards, but not upwards (1 Cor.15:41ff.).
Like most I learned this lesson the hard way. But how are we to know to whom we should share our inner most thoughts, and those whom we should not? Discernment is learned stepwise through experience and maturation.
The Glory of Kings
"It is the glory of Elohim/God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out" (Proverbs 25:2, NIV).
What, then, does this wise counsel mean? And who are the 'kings'?
A 'king' here can be a metaphor for rulership, and rulership belongs to the wise. The wise only becomes wise through trusting in the Most High, being transparent to the Most High, and gaining experience among people. After Elohim/God the kind of transparency of the highest order ought to exist between husbands and wives because they are a picture of the relationship between Father Yahweh and His allegorical Bride, the faithful, obedient Messianic Community (Church). Marry no one in whom you do not absolutely trust, and until you know who that is, let Yahweh do the choosing as He did with Rivkah/Rebekah and Yitshak/Isaac.
Trusting and Trustworthiness
Give trust based on trustworthiness but that does involve a certain amount of risk. We have to dare, even if only a little at first. Just don't give everything all at once. Not everyone is worthy of your trust because not everyone trustworthy. Therefore cultivate the Ruach/Spirit, for the Ruach/Spirit will teach you. It is not for nothing that she is called Wisdom in Scripture.
May you find and enjoy trustworthy companions and friends in Messiah and know the joy that comes from that. Shalom!
This page was created on 9 March 2025
Last updated on 9 March 2025
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