When Will The Madness End?
The Dead Intellectualism of Many Messianic Groups
by Rodney D. Ready
I am blown away today by how so many groups, (not this one), and those who profess to be following Messiah don't really know Him by seeing the fruits of their conversation. As we know by many signs but as it says in Phillipians 1:27 "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the witness of Messiah: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the good news;".
At times we can feel how our Father is grieved over the blindness and those following after great scripture knowledge thinking that they have salvation in those things of the Dust Mind even of professing to be following Messiah but having only a form of Torah-fullness that is devoid of the Power of the Life of that Burning Fire of Love within the Heart. There is nothing wrong with scripture study and great knowledge but it is futile and dead without the Power of the Holy Spirit who makes those things into Life!
How many are being led astray by the leaven of the Pharisees of this day?
I've seen those who profess to be following Torah, full of debate, full of strife, full of argument, even if that was the way of salvation they make so many paths of do this, don't do this, that's not right, this is the way, and on an on. Making our great Messiah into someone outwardly of Dust existence who just did the Torah well or that there is another way the Father gave to us for salvation. But seeing few professing that Power of His Life of overcoming all things.
Even though, we still reach out in love to show that Messiah is the answer to the Life they need of the Heart to even begin to understand His Being of the Torah, having that message rejected and how sad it is thinking that anyone could think they would have eternal life in just knowing a lot of man's doctrines of Torah religion. But, many 'experts' in Torah there are and can recite from memory many things but failing to see that it is all a witness of Messiah.
There is nothing that compares to the burning fire of love inside from being touched by the Power of the Holy Spirit of a true knowing of the Father and the Son Yahushua. We couldn't even begin to understand His Heart without that Cleansing Fire of Love. And how many will Messiah speak to who will be told to Depart From Me you worker of Iniquity? Many of the 'Torah-Keepers' groups I've had contact with profess that will be the words for the 'church' people because they are following Torah so well. Well, I believe many are mistaken and do not realize who is the Aleph-Taw of Life that must be residing within the Heart to have His Perfect Blood of Perfect Torah applied to the altar within.
Will there be any Yahushua Keepers who are the real Torah Keepers in the Kingdom?
Listening to some, only Torah Keepers will be there. I was of the impression by the Holy Spirit of Fire and Life in my heart that only Yahushua Keepers will be there who are in reality the true keepers of His truth of that Way and that Truth and that Life?
Now, I was in the attitude today of grieving at these who should be leading the lost to salvation are leading to the mundane without that Life changing Power. Building up a knowledge of something but to follow a Messiah who is somewhere out there who gave us some good words to study? To become enlightened by word study just like some English or Math course? What to even compare our Messiah to? The maker of all things who is Love and Life! Feeble words cannot show our Life. But we do all seek that out on our own if we get the feeling of eternity in our Heart to ensure we wind up in the Heart of our Messiah to be found in Him in His Book and to be like those who have said these words: When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder I WILL BE THERE! And we will rule and reign with Yahushua and our Father upon this earth.
And those will know that true doctrine of the Messiah as he will show all who have come to that Burning Fire of Love of being Circumcised to His Covenant of His Heart all of Himself. The key is to be circumcised of Heart by the baptiser and then we be witnesses of Him in everything we do and show. That Torah is our Messiah's Heart and He is Being It very well, and that is His Message to become full of Him and His Life of His Love of that Mercy that He has Become.
I for one do love Torah make no mistake but only where Yahushua is the Center of It all and there is no other Path to Eternal Life but by the Messiah who is Being it all. If we can fathom that. And He is.
May all be Blessed in the Fire of His Love of the Holy Spirit that was promised to us. And it is Being a Part of the Living Covenant foretold and that is in the Heart of our great love, our precious one, our Messiah Yahushua who brings us to the Father to find out how wonderfully awesome He really is.
When will the madness end? And looking forward, that Kingdom manifest of our Father, it is so near, can you feel it? And I for one am ready for that to come.
Is it like this? Are those who are after Cain following a Dust Mind Salvation and those who are like an Abel following after a Renewed Mind and Salvation of Life where there is true remission of sin in the Being and Existing of Messiah? And we who have that burning fire only want all to find that wonderful thing to be purged within and to FEEL that Burning Fire. It is real! Shalom.
Comments from Readers
[1] "The madness that you speak of nearly put us off messianic groups for life! I'm glad I found nccg.org, you talk a lot of sense that I can relate to" (T&SP, Ireland, 24 September 2013)
This page was created on 15 December 2009
Last updated on 24 September 2013
Copyright © 2009 Rodney D. Ready