Politically Correctness
The New Covenant Christians View
At the heart of political correctness is the idea that self-appointed political élites will determine what may or may not be advocated, how language may be used, and which ideas are welcome and which are not. These élites reject the absolutes of the Decalogue--the Ten Commandments. They, in fact, reject the notion of objective truth. Instead they substitute their version of what they call truth, which is subject to change without notice.
In the world of Political Correctness, individuals are not to be judged according to what they have done before God and other individuals. Rather, they are to be judged by what positions they take with regard to artificially-constructed groups.
For example, these liberal élites thus attempt to speak for "women." But what women are we talking about? Phyllis Schlafly or Roseanne? These two may share some biological similarities (although I am not absolutely certain even about that) but they have absolutely nothing in common in what they believe. How can anyone pretend to speak for both of them? Yet the arrogance of these self appointed tyrannical liberals actually permits them to suggest that when they make a pronouncement on an issue, they are the only voice for real women. Anyone who dissents has betrayed womanhood.
Similar views are expressed about minority groups. Anyone who does not subscribe to their ever changing liberal orthodoxy isn't really black, for example, if they have a different point of view. No matter that they were created black, the liberal élites know otherwise.
In this world of Political Correctness, Ted Kennedy is to be excused for Mary Jo Kopechne, for what he did to his first wife, and for what he did to many women in the years after that, because he has a perfect voting record, from their point of view, on "women's issues." So he is not accountable for what he did with the women in his life, he is only accountable for his position toward this artificially-constructed group.
This is Cultural Marxism. This is the failed Marxist economic model transferred to the culture, where more damage can be done than was ever rendered by 70 years of the Communist experiment in Russia and elsewhere. Friends, we are on the verge of surrendering all of our liberties to the tyranny of Political Correctness. It is time someone stood up and said "enough is enough."
This is a battle we must win. The integrity of the Word of God is at stake. It would be the supreme irony if we overcame the onslaughts of the theological liberalism of the past two centuries only to have the evangelical and fundamentalist church infiltrated and corrupted by other evangelicals who have sold their souls to the "politically-correct élite".
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim 3:16-17).
This grandest and most conclusive description of the Bible was penned by the Apostle Paul in a letter to a young pastor. In this remarkable passage, Paul claims that the Bible [and all other inspired scripture] is profitable
- 1. For doctrine: that is, it may be used as the perfect textbook to present the systematic teachings of the great truths relating to God himself.
- 2. For reproof: that is, the Bible is to be used to convict us of the wrong in our lives.
- 3. For correction: that is, it will then show us the right way.
- 4. For instruction in righteousness: that is, God's Word provides all the necessary details which will allow a Christian to become fully equipped for every good work.
Because of all this, the Bible rightly demands absolute and sole authority over any other source in the life of the child of God.
"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law (Torah), till all be fulfilled" (Matt 5:18).
Ten proofs that the Bible is the Word of God: (1) Its amazing unity. (2) Its absolute indestructibility. (3) Its historical accuracy. (4) Its scientific accuracy. (5) Its prophetical accuracy. (6) Its universal influence upon civilization. (7) Its care and copy. (8) Its unparalleled circulation. (9) Its absolute honesty. (10) Its life-transforming power.
How then did we receive our Bible? Well, around 1400 B.C. God began to quietly call some forty men and women into his presence. Oh, he didn't call them in all at once, mind you. In fact, it took him nearly fifteen centuries to complete the job. He spoke the burden of his great heart in simple but sublime language to those chosen forty.
With a holy hush they heard him tell of creation and corruption, of condemnation, justification, sanctification, and glorification. Weighty words, indeed. When he had finished, the first tool in carving out the Bible was set aside. Revelation had occurred.
Now we see this almighty Author as he quickly but carefully guides each chosen human vessel in his assigned writing task. Each of the forty is dealt with individually. Job, a rich farmer, will write differently than will Amos, a poor farmer. The words of the educated Paul will be more complicated on occasion than those of the uneducated John or Peter. But all will carry with them the divine approval of heaven itself.
Finally, the last scribe lays down his (or her) pen. The angels watch as their Creator lays aside the second tool in the making of his manuscript. Inspiration has taken place.
Soon many thousands of men and women join the ranks of those original forty and begin their assigned task of taking Gods glory story to the uttermost parts of the earth. As they do, untold multitudes are stopped in their tracks, convinced in their hearts, and saved from their sins. By what secret power did all this take place? The answer is simple: the Author of the Bible is using the third and final tool. Illumination continues to take place.
And so the Scriptures are shaped. To summarize thus far, think of the three tools as follows:
Revelation: From God to man (man hears that which God wants written).
Inspiration: From man to paper (man writes that which God wants written).
Illumination: From paper to heart (man receives the light of that which God has written).
Politically-correct distortions of the Bible:
Rev. John Papworth, a Church of England minister, recently said to his congregation, "Jesus said love your neighbor. He didn't say love Marks and Spencers." And with that statement, he pronounced for his parishioners a theology of thievery. He told his church members that it's OK to shoplift from large chain stores like Marks and Spencers because they allegedly put small stores out of business, create unemployment, and encourage greed and consumerism.
"When you talk about stealing, you can only steal from a person," he explained. "You can only have a relationship with a person, you don't have a moral relationship with things. That is a power relationship". He added "I don't regard it as stealing. I regard it as a badly needed reallocation of economic resources". In other words, what most people regard as common theft, this Christian socialist regards as "forcible income redistribution."
In the March 29 issue of World magazine, Susan Olansky wrote a cover story entitled "The Feminist Seduction of the Evangelical Church". She reported the shocking news that the New International Version of the Bible, the best selling English version in the world, is quietly going gender-neutral.
Pressure for unisex language came from feminists in England and in the U.S. Pressure also came from the NIV's American publisher Zondervan (owned by Harper/Collins) and Hodder and Stoughton, the NIV's British publisher. Hodder and Stoughton demanded a unisex version of the NIV because the unisex version of the Revised Standard Version, now called the New Revised Standard Version, was making it too difficult for H&S to compete.
The NIV's translating committee took several years away from their book-by-book review of the Bible in order to complete the unisex language version, now on sale in England as the NIV Inclusive Language Edition. Olansky says that by the year 2000 or 2001, it could be impossible to purchase the old NIV anywhere. Unless believers like you and Jerry Falwell can convince them otherwise.
This move fits with the trend toward egalitarianism-- the denial of any distinctions between men and women-- in the church and in the home. Egalitarians assert that women should be pastors, elders and co-heads of families. Gilbert Bilezikian, professor emeritus at Wheaton College, author of Beyond Sex Roles and a founding elder at Willow Creek Community Church, puts it bluntly; "There cannot be authentic community as described in the New Testament without the full inclusion of the constituency of members into the ministry, life and leadership of the group." Mr. Bilezikian is a founding elder and influential theologian at Bill Hybel's Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Ill. Willow Creek has had women elders1 since its founding in 1978. But in the past year, the gauntlet has been dropped. All staff must arrive at consensus on the feminist agenda, or leave.
Mr. Bilezikian is confident that the feminists and egalitarians will win. "It is a quiet reform movement that is unstoppable," he says. "In two or three generations from now, it won't even be an issue." He predicts that there may be groups that hold to the traditional view in 100 years, but they will be relegated to the margins.[2]
The Scriptures are being distorted and changed in order to accommodate issues like abortion and homosexuality.
"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the low- est parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them" (Ps. 139:13-16).
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet" (Rom.1:26- 27).
Politically-correct theologians believe all religions are equally acceptable to God. They believe Jesus is not the only way to Heaven (cp. Jn.14:6).
The plan of salvation has not changed. The gospel has not changed. Salvation is available exclusively through the shed blood of Christ and His glorious resurrection.
The Battle-lines are Drawn
Messianic Evangelicals are therefore "politically incorrect" and will become more so as the liberal-New Age apostacy sweeps the planet and God's Word becomes progressively more perverted. We know on which side of the battle-line we stand. Do you?
Original sermon given by Dr. Jerry Falwell and expanded by Christopher C. Warren
[1] NCAY ordains Eldresses but not women 'Elders' -- there is an important difference. Elders and Eldresses have different though complimentary ministries; whereas Eldresses have limited authority over women Elders have authority over men. Feminist theology makes no such distinction.
[2] As will indeed be true. However, what he does not realise is that this is part of the fulfillment of prophecy for the end times. When Christ returns true Christians will be a tiny minority and global apostacy, akin to that of Noah's time, will have permanently set in.
This page was created on 12 April 1998
Last updated on 22 February 2025
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