Words of Counsel
from an Old Pastor
to a New One

1 Greetings in the Name of our Master (Lord) and Deliverer (Saviour) Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), the Great Shepherd and lover of mankind: may His peace be upon you.
2 To my brother, Yasad, called to pastor the flock in Oslo; these are my words of counsel to you, that you may always have the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God) with you and be a blessing to those who are now in your charge:
3 A pastor is a shadow of the rock of life on which the people may build their hopes securely; therefore live uprightly as the Master would were He here amongst us.
4 You are a son of Adam and prone to make mistakes; build your ministry upon the Word of Elohim (God) and not the inner world of thoughts and feelings, for your thoughts and feelings are not as Elohim's (God's);
5 Judge not according to your personal feelings, but judge after the Word of Elohim (God). Your personal feelings will mislead you, but the Word of Elohim (God) stands firm for ever.
6 Never mistake your personal feelings for the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) -- only time and experience will enable you to discern.
7 Therefore build your ministry upon the scriptures, for these are the Word of Life, until you know the Master so well that His Word is always your word.
8 Do not judge presumptuously in the Name of the Master but exercise caution when listening to the sons of Adam. Listen more than you speak, for this is wisdom;
9 Fools talk but to not listen, and greater fools follow them.
10 Be obedient in righteousness to those who are in authority over you; for those who do not know how to obey cannot lead.
11 If one who is in authority over you errs, then do not rail against him; but rather let your righteousness exceed his, and he will be put to shame.
12 Never set yourself up against the Word of Elohim (God), for this is spiritual death.
13 Never set yourself up against the House of Elohim (God) and the covenants thereof, for this always leads to arrogance and a great fall.
14 Purity makes a man a child, humble and submissive; but wisdom makes a child into a man, ready and able to lead.
15 A set-apart one (saint) is a child of Elohim (God) who follows Yahweh and is obedient to His servants; but a pastor is a child of Elohim (God) who leads the saints with power and authority.
16 A doubting pastor is a doubting congregation; a fearful pastor is a fearful congregation; a strong pastor is a strong congregation; a godly pastor is a godly congregation.
17 What you are, so the people will be; what you are not, so the people will not be.
18 The people are not your counsellors -- you are theirs. Take your problems to those who are set over you -- the patriarchate, the apostolate, and other pastors;
19 For a pastor who unburdens himself on his people is not worthy to lead, but is in need of being led himself.
20 Nevertheless he shall not be distant from his people, but love them as a friend, mingle with their problems, and lift them up in Christ.
21 A pastor must always find a balance of closeness and distance -- close, that his love may always be seen and known -- distant that his problems may not be an unnecessary burden on them.
22 The men of Elohim (God) are not democrats but logocrats; the will of the people is of no importance, but the will of Elohim (God) is everything.
23 Nevertheless the people must be free to choose; if they choose amiss, a pastor must not follow them, but remain firm in the Word.
24 A pastor must expect to be disliked and hated by the rebellious, and must never compromise the Word for the sake of supposed love or peace;
25 He who compromises the Word compromises Elohim (God); and he who compromises Elohim (God) shall fall and cause the injury of many souls.
26 Cursed is the man who follows after his own counsel and not the Master's, for it would have been better that he had never led Yahweh's people at all.
27 Fear Yahweh and fear to do evil; he who fears will remain humble, and teachable, and draw near to Yahweh.
28 He who does not fear Yahweh or the commandments shall fall -- and great shall be his fall!
29 Respect every opinion that is honest and sincere, but do not be swayed by anything that is out of harmony with the Word of Elohim (God).
30 Be quick to rebuke liars and deceivers in the congregation for they are as a cancer that will spread if not immediately checked.
31 You are a physician taking care of the Body -- you are not the maker of the Body.
32 Always obey and respect the Patriarchal Order, for this is of Elohim (God).
Parable of the Field
33 Give heed to this parable and inscribe it upon your heart:
34 There was once a barren field that was bought by a rich and powerful man.
35 He hired labourers to dig the field up, remove the rocks, turn the soil, and dig in fertilizer.
36 He than called other labourers to plant seeds in the prepared soil, and yet others to water it and watch over the seedlings.
37 From time to time the owner came along to oversee the work and to harvest the seed at the end of the season.
38 The diggers of the field are the patriarchs who must work over men's souls in the House of Elohim (God), throwing out the rocks of false belief and tradition, and fertilizing the soul with the pure Word of Elohim (God).
39 The planters of the seed are the apostles, evangelists and missioners;
40 And those who water the seeds are the pastors and teachers of the congregations.
41 Yahweh is the owner and Master of the harvest, who gives growth and brings souls to maturity.
42 If you remember this order you will be the instrument of bringing many souls to salvation in the Kingdom of Yahweh;
43 If you do not, you will establish your own kingdom, which will fall [1].
44 You are not your own, but Christ's, who purchased you on the cross of Calvary.
45 And the congregation over which you are pastor is not your own, but Yahweh's, who is the Great Shepherd of all.
46 The words of counsel I give you today that you do not think you need now you may need later; and what you need now you will not necessarily need later.
47 For you also are the field, you also must have the rocks of unbelief taken out, you also must have the Word planted afresh in you, and you also must be watered.
48 Obey the Word and the Ruach (Spirit) will guide you; obey what you suppose is the Ruach (Spirit), and not the Word, and you obey only the wind.
49 The Body is one but also many; you are one, but also one of many. Each congregation is a part of the whole; and the whole is one, and the one is Yahweh's.
50 The Bible is your scriptural guide, and no other. Wear it as you would wear the robes of those whom you are ministering to; do not wear the robes of any other teaching, lest you be led astray and cause others to be led astray.
51 Imitate the apostles and their teachings; preach the doctrine of Christ, who alone is Saviour.
52 Remember Zion continually, for Zion is the hope of the better world, and the comfort of this one.
53 Do not fear to be bold but fear arrogance and self-will as you would the devil.
54 Do not apologise for yourself in the House of Elohim (God), but imitate Moses who was firm but meek.
55 Remember, that only one person may lead a meeting; keep the House of Yahweh in sound order and allow none to usurp your authority.
56 Listen to criticisms in private and not before the whole congregation, unless the whole congregation has been sinned against and the offender wishes to make public confession.
57 Allow nothing to disturb the peace of Elohim's (God's) House. Banish or silence unruly elements.
58 Strictly control the spiritual gifts when they are manifested; make sure that all prophetic words harmonise with the scriptures.
59 Do not allow tongue-speaking unless there is an interpreter; listen acutely to the spirits, for demons will seek to gain entrance through these things.
60 Cherish and build up Yahweh's shalom (peace). Do not let Yahweh's House become a place of entertainment, but a place of reverent worship.
61 Organize yourself well. A chaotic atmosphere in Yahweh's House is a poor vessel for the Ruach Elohim (God's Spirit).
62 Be prepared before meetings. Have the physical needs of Yahweh's House arranged in advance.
63 Come prepared to preach by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and do not be bound by a plan.
64 Be acutely sensitive to the needs of all those present in meetings. What may be good for you personally may not be good for them.
65 Minister to the people, not yourself. Beware of feelings which may have no bearing on the reality of the congregation's needs.
66 Preach a balanced and whole Gospel; avoid talking about pet interests.
67 Have an overall goal and many sub-goals. Align your ministerial goals with the goals of the apostolate, whether it be the gathering to Zion, evangelism, or whatever.
68 You are the servant of the apostolate and are a part of the ministry's overall mission. The local congregation is not a tool of your personal spiritual goals.
69 Do not hastily select others for congregational offices, and lay no hands upon any man without Yahweh's approbation.
70 Do not select officers for the office's sake; if officers are not needed, do not select them.
71 If there are not adequate officers for important offices, assume the responsibility of those offices yourself until there are [2].
72 Never be late for meetings; this breeds slovenliness in Yahweh's people and is a poor example to them.
73 The pastor's family must be a model for other families. Govern your family strictly and in love.
74 Instruct your wife and children of the important part they must play in upholding your reputation amongst both believers and unbelievers.
75 Teach them of the sacrificial nature of your office so that they understand the importance of your being given the freedom to obey Yahweh's will in all things and to be available for ministry to others.
76 Recruit your family to be a support to you, not a hindrance. Happy is the pastor whose family frees him to be about Yahweh's business.
77 Treat the congregation as your own family, showing no partiality.
78 Respect all confidences, for this will save souls and prevent those who have no right to such information from becoming conceited.
79 Say only what is necessary, and no more. For as Yahweh is bashful towards His children, so must you be bashful towards your congregation.
80 Avoid fruitless controversy and doctrinal speculation. Teach only what you know that has been revealed in the Bible, and refer inquirers to others in authority if you do not know the answer to a question.
81 Never manipulate a congregation to accept what you say by appealing to feelings, the need for obedience to yourself, or anything else, but always appeal to the Word of Elohim (God) in ahavah (love).
82 Always honour your spiritual fathers and mothers in the ministry before the people and never expose them to shame, for this is a disgrace.
83 For as Ham was cursed for exposing his father Noah, so too shall any person who brings shame upon Yahweh's anointed.
84 And if Yahweh's anointed fall, let them be dealt with by the proper authorities.
85 Before making any decision, determine what the people feel, and take counsel with the elders. If there is doubt, then consult your local apostle. Strive for unity in all things, but never sacrifice the truth for an illusory harmony.
86 You are accountable for your conduct and the conduct of the people in your charge. If a sin is not checked in a congregation, then that sin is on your head.
87 Fear the sins of omission as much as you would the sins of commission.
88 Be continually aware of all things, for he who is not aware will surely fall.
89 Live for your people, and they will sustain you in love. Live for yourself, and you will be alone.
90 Love Yahweh (the Lord) your Elohim (God) with all your might, mind, strength, and love, and He will prosper you in all that you do.
91 And as He blesses you, so also will your family and the whole congregation be blessed.
92 Praise Yahweh day and night, study His Word diligently, for he who does not know the Word cannot administer it.
93 Be faithful in all things, doubt not, fear not, but do all things according to the commandments, and you will grow and prosper and become a mighty instrument in the hands of the Lord. Amen.
[1] Sadly, he did not heed this advice, presumed authority he did not have, and began the Third Rebellion in December 1995. The words of this epistle were prophetic for he fell, losing faith in the ministry, Bible, and Christ. He took a third of the members with him, all of whom likewise fell away from Christ to one degree or another. He is now divorced.
[2] It is the responsibility of the Pastorate to prayefully consider calls made by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and make recommendations to the Apostolate. The Apostolate make the final selections. The training of all priesthood officers is undertaken by the Holy Order (Chavurat Bekorot).

This page was created on 22 May 1998
Updated on 29 January 2011
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