Before you begin your study of this Website we feel it is important that we state our position regarding the Godhead or Elohimhead
as we receive many questions on this subject.
The basic, core or minimal Messianic Evangelical or NCAY doctrine on the Elohim/Godhead is called PROTO-TRINITARIANISM or "Simple Trinitarianism". We will now explain what we mean by this.
The Doctrine of the Trinity is the doctrine of the orthodox Christian Church and has been accepted as the biblical teaching for nearly one thousand, six hundred years years. It is viewed at different levels of complexity depending on which tradition you follow. The core Messianic Evangelical salvational doctrine - that which is required for salvation - is based only on what the Bible teaches, and goes no further. It adheres therefore to the very simplest Trinity doctrine and rejects some of the more elaborate constructions placed on it by various Catholic Councils which are combinations of biblical teaching and non-biblical neo-Platonic Greek pagan philosophy.
In its simplest form, the doctrine of the Trinity is not an invention of men, nor is it an addition to the simple ideas of the Bible. During the first three or four centuries AD the Messianic Community (Church) was being continually bombarded by views of Elohim (God) that were based on one or two texts only. In the face of this, serious Christian thinkers were concerned to draw together all the relevant teachings of the Bible, and to crystalise them into formulae that would be a guide in interpreting individual texts. They did with the Bible what the scientist does when he formulates his laws from all the facts around him, and not simply from a few. Even when Protestants and Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox parted company, they all agreed that these creeds and summaries were true statements of what the Bible teaches, even though they disagreed on some points of detail.
In recent times, many new pseudo-Christian religions like Mormonism (who believe in multiple gods), the Jehovah's Witnesses (who reject the full deity of Christ), Unitarianism (which fully rejects the deity of Christ), Christian Science (who is basically pantheism), and others who reject the authority of the Bible, have sought to rewrite the Trinity Doctrine to fit pre-conceived ideas, ignoring many important Biblical passages in the process.
Although Messianic Evangelicals, through an in-depth study of Bible translations and the original languages coupled with modern revelation has uncovered many interesting and forgotten facts about the Elohim/Godhead in the Bible that give a slightly different picture to the evolved and crystalised Trinitarian doctrine of the three main branches of Christianity cited above, it basically adheres to a simple Proto-Trinitarianism which the other three can accept. This should be born in mind as you study our site which contains articles by those of contrary views in order to stimulate further study and investigation of the Bible. Messianic Evangelical Proto-Trinitarianism is not a final pronouncement or dogma and therefore so long as our believers accept the basic doctrine, they are welcome into fellowship with the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY). A more developped Elohim/Godhead teaching exists in NCAY that is known as the Echad Doctrine, aderence to which is required before admission to priesthood offices.
Although the Bible does not formulate a doctrine of the Trinity, if we gather all the facts about Elohim (God) that appear in the Bible as revelation, we arrive, at the most fundamental level, at Proto-Trinitarianism.
Please follow through with us now what these basic Proto-Triniarian teachings are by following the page links below.

This page was created on 16 July 1999
Last updated on 15 February 2017
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