1. Two Aspects of the Same Reality
We begin our study with the symbol of the CIRCLE which in occultism represents the universe and is derived from the shape of the SUN. In Masonry the circle contains a POINT in the centre and is derived from the Egyptian mystery religion where it represents the SUN. One noted Masonic writer, Harold Percival (33°), confirms that the symbol is related to sun-worship, itself a modification of phallus-worship. The point within the circle is one of the hieroglyphic signs of the Egyptian sun-god, RA, the Hindu god of destruction SHIVA, the Druidic god ODIN. It represents the union of male and female, the dot representing the male lingam (phallus) and the circle the female yoni. This same symbol is also used by the Cosa Nostra Maffia and the Illuminati to represent their respective secret orders.
 The pentagram or pentacle is probably the best known and used of all occult symbols and is considered to be the most potent means of conjuring benevolent spirits. The inverted pentagram, with the point of the star is downward, is used to conjure up the powers of evil. As the circle is believed to enhance the powers of a particular symbol it is usually added to the pentagram. The ordinary (point-up) pentagram is the symbol of witches, warlocks and Wiccans in general and which they call "The Great Rite", whereas the inverted (point-down) pentagram is the symbol of satanism. The point-down pentacle is also the symbol of Masonry and the Eastern Star.
Masonic writer Manly Hall writes:
"The Pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch; it may be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be distorted by having two points of varying lengths. When used in black magic, the pentagram is called the "sign of the cloven hoof" or the "footprint of the devil". The star with two points upward is also called the "Goat of Mendes" because the inverted star is the same shape as a goat's head. When the upright star turns and the upper point falls to the bottom, its signifies the fall of the Morning Star [Jesus Christ]".
I have combined both types of pentacle into one symbol here to illustrate their common spiritual and magical ancestry. Whilst most but the higher level Wiccans would deny that Satan, demons, God, angels, or other supernatural agencies even exist, both they and Satanists (who do believe in these powers) have a common pedigree. Indeed, we may find a parallel in Western culture: for the (lower level nature-worshipping) Wiccans are not unlike the modern secular humanist who, whilst rejecting God and things supernatural, nevertheless builds many of his ethical beliefs upon Christian morals - for the Wiccan, whilst denying Satan and demonic entities, nevertheless practices the same kind of magic as his satanic cousin, ascribing the unseen and spiritual to the Star Wars-type "force" comprising the energy of all things living. Both Satanists and Wiccans are built upon an esoteric doctrine of magick that is remarkably similar even though the latter only sees the supernatural as a collective impersonal universal forces (positive and negative) whereas the former recognizes the same forces but originating from actual deities.
Thus my symbol is, I believe, most appropriate, for Wiccanism and related occultic practices is but an outer layer of a common core which is represented by Satanism. And, moreover, I believe that both in fact represent two different aspects of the same reality, as we shall now see...
First created on 3 February 2000
Last updated on 3 February 2000
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