The Definitive Story Told
Inside a New Age Mormon-Essene Fertility Cult
The SAI "Interviews" Part 1
We shall begin with the first interview (although it is called #2 - if there was a #1, I was unable to find it). In a way I am glad he chose to start with this one because not only does it show how unscrupulous the man is, but what a barefaced LIAR he actually is. The picture I am about to show you really summarises it all.
The photograph (along with all the others) he has stolen from the NCCG.ORG site without permission. I will, for the sake of accurate information, forgive him this tresspass for now as it is, in any case, evidence I want you to see.
To begin with I wish to say that I have nothing against Gilbert's son. He was only a small boy when I knew him (see picture), innocent and completely oblivious to what his father was doing. Judging from the wording he gives (assuming this is a bona fide interview), Joe (I shall call him this though it is not his real name) does not seem to be a part of the SAI system (though I could be wrong in this). Not only is it more than likely that his father has shielded the boy from what actually goes on at SAI (what father wouldn't protect his own son) but has likely influenced him in his opinions too. The fact of the matter is that this interview cannot possibly be objective because there were no controls of any kind and the one interviewing him is anonymous (almost certainly Clark himself).
I do not judge Joe. In fact, were it not for the teashirt which his father or mother put on him, I would not have included him in this exposé. So I apologise to him advance. I doubt, however, that his father will show him this page because it will completely expose him before his trusting son.
My own comments will be inserted in green text.

Do you mind honestly and candidly answering a few questions about you and
your father, Davied Israel?
How old are you?
Were your raised by, and do you have firsthand knowledge of the beliefs and
practices of your father, Davied Israel?
Of course, there is no proof for this, and indeed it is most unlikely that his son at a mere 16 years of age would have a firsthand knowledge of the workings of his father's inner circle. No doubt the boy has been honest even if ignorant.
Do you get along well with your father?
Have you been taught by him to have your own thoughts and opinions?
Has your father ever tried to brainwash you, coerce you, or force you to
believe anything?
Have you been taught to always tell the truth?
Have you ever seen your father not tell the truth?
Not even once in your entire life?
Have you ever seen your father be dishonest or cagey about his name?
Have you ever seen your father try to brainwash, coerce, or manipulate
In your observations of your father's behavior, have you ever seen him flirt
with other woman or act inappropriate towards them?
"No, He's not like that"
Have you ever seen x-rated or pornographic material, magazines, or videos in
your father's house?
Have you ever heard your father, Davied Israel, use foul or sexually charged
language with you or others?
Have you ever seen, or heard of, your father having an affair or otherwise
inappropriate relationship with someone other than his wife?
It is hard to know whether this is believable or not in the light of the fact that his current "official wife", known as Isis, is NOT the boy's mother. I set the two alongside each other - the one of "Isis" was provided by Clark on his rebuttal pages, the other is of the boy's true mother, Faith:
"Aima Isis Israel" (left) vs. Faith Israel (right)
Now I am more than willing to conceed that I may be wrong here but unless one or other of these women has had major plastic surgery, they are NOT the same person.
However, the main point is in the definition of "wife" which in SAI is not confined to monogamy or even traditional polygamy (polygyny) but embraces POLYAMORY. No doubt SAI considers the polyamorous "marriages" to be "proper" and the women true "wives".
Does your father condone homosexuality?
"I've never asked him, but I'm sure he doesn't."
Have you ever seen or known of your father using drugs or becoming
intoxicated, or intoxicating others, with alcohol?
Do you know your father's policy on drug use in his house or in his church?
If so, what is it?
"Yes, he forbids drug use or distribution on his land."
Does your father live off others or does he make his own income through
making pottery and other art?
"He has lived off of his pottery business for as long as I can
That may well be true now, of course, I can't possibly say, but in the early days Clark lived off welfare. That should be a simple matter to verify. Indeed Joe used to join his father in the latter's paper-rounds to augment the small amount they eeked off. There was a pottery business, mostly run by Hava Pratt and her concubine-husband in those days - Clark did little or no such work, the income being generated by the other colonists.
Do you know what goes on in the rituals your father does?
"He likes to meditate for fifteen minutes every three hours, they also
like to sing, pray, and read during their rituals."
The SAI homepage alone shows the hundreds of "rituals" practiced. I know what went on in some of the SAI rituals because my own ex-wife told me, not to mention nearly ALL the other colonists themselves. And as the evidence conclusively shows, it was largely sexual.
Is there any type of sorcery or sexuality that goes on in them?
Do you think there could be deep dark secrets about your father that you
would not know about?
How would he possibly know? If there were "deep dark secrets", do you suppose Clark would tell his 16 year-old son???
Does your father idolize Aleister Crowley?
"No, he won't even let me read his books."
That tells us immediately that Clark has these books. What is he doing with the works of an antichrist which he must forbid his son from getting access to???
In your opinion, what are your father's chief interests and hobbies?
"Reading and Gardening"
Have you ever been, or seen or heard of any other child or teenager, molested
or approached in any type of sexual way whatsoever by your father or his
Quite apart from the fact that I have never accused Clark of being a child-molester (I have only ever indicated that the doctrinal justification for such behaviour with their GROWN-UP CHILDREN is latent in their teachings), what other answer could the biy possibly give.
Have you seen, and what do you think about the accusations made against your
father on the negative website?
"I only saw a small portion of it, but it was enough to know it was done
by someone acting on a grudge. It was ridiculous"
What do you think about the caption under your photograph as a child which
says "I love sex"?
"The shirt was a carebear shirt which was scanned in on a low resolution
so that you couldn't see what it really was."
Update (26 July 2006)
It has been brought to my attention by someone who recently saw an updated version of Clark's website in which he refutes my allegations, that the T-shirt may very well not have been what I supposed it was. I am still not 100% sure but I am prepared to give Clark the benefit of the doubt on the basis of a new photograph which he recently published showing that the caption said: "I (love) Texas" and not "I love Sex". If he is right, then I made an honest mistake, apologise, and withdraw my original statement. This does not, however, negate anything else I may have said about Clark's religious beliefs and practices nor does it excuse his earlier attempts at a cover-up by claiming this was a Care-Bear T-shirt (which is so obviously was not). Indeed, it is more than with in Clark's artistic ability and deviousness to spend time doctoring an old photograph to justify himself. I am setting Clark's latest picture longside my original one:
The picture was indeed originally scanned under low resolution (see top of page) because at the time I was only able to afford a low resolution scanner. I am amazed that Joe has such a good memory, though, of a tea shirt he wore some ten years before. The high resolution scanner certainly seemed to confirm my original suspicion as you have seen.
I must confess that when Joe and his father denied that the caption on the T-shirt wasn't what I said it was that maybe my memory was slipping. I hadn't looked at the picture since I scanned it three years ago for this site. But when I scanned it on my new scanner much later on, my memory did seem to be vindicated:
Whatever this was, it was not a "Carebear" T-shirt which Clark originally tried to claim on his website before changing it. These were the images he tried to use (they're not up on his site anymore):
None of this alters the fact that I believe Clark is a sexual deviant - there is plenty of testimony on this site to show that - because SAI was at that time (and probably still is in its inner esoteric circle) basically a sex cult with a squeaky-clean celibacy and monogamy-only outer exoteric shell. We may never 100% know the truth of the T-shirt business but there is sufficient margin for doubt for my original claims to have been correct.
Have you ever seen any satan worship in your father's home or church?
What a silly question. Of course Clark isn't a blatent devil-worshipper or satanist and I have never accused him of such. Whether he knows who the god he worships is, I can't tell for sure. One thing I now know, though, is that his god encourages him, like the Moonies, to practive "heavenly deception" by lying in order to protect the cult from the light of truth.
Do you think your father capable of such a thing?
What about the possibility of your father poisoning someone?
Again, I never accused Clark of ever doing such a thing, just warned of what Joseph Smith reputedly wanted to do to his wife Emma, because Clark was aware of this history and actually mentioned it to me. He intimated at the time that Smith poisoning his wife would have been the lesser of two evils if it would have meant saving the Mormon Church, which he said would have been justifiable.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Have you answered all these questions honestly and felt free to say whatever
you wanted to?
Thank you.
I think it is unfortunate that Joe was drawn into this.
This page was created on 30 April 2001
Last updated on 26 July 2006
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