In-depth Study
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Sermons Series 3:14, 3 December 2005
The Garden of Yahweh
Mothers, Matriarchy and Heavenly Mother
Main Themes:
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It comes as a great shock to 'orthodox' Christians coming to this ministry to hear that we believe in a Heavenly Mother and that this Heavenly Mother is the Ruach haQodesh or Holy Spirit, even though the Greek Eastern Orthodox Churches have such a tradition. They either assume that we are Mormons or Wiccans. Well, the Mormons do indeed believe in a Heavenly Mother but they do not believe She is the Ruach whom they believe to be male, as orthodox Christians do. Wiccans, on the other hand, worship a supreme goddess, which goes by various names, with a male horned god who is a subordinate consort. We do not worship any goddess nor do we believe in matriarchy in the commonly understood sense of woman-ruling. The Wiccan goddess is, in any case, a cluster of demonesses who are the seven consorts of Satan, some of whose names - Lilth, Hecate, Jezebel, Astarte (Ashtoreth), Athena, Kali and others - you will have heard of.
Orthodox Christians believe in the all-male Trinity doctrine where Father, Son and male Holy Spirit are all co-equal. They are all regarded by them as one 'God'. Well, there is much truth to the Trinity Doctrine but it also contains some serious errors and, claims to the contrary, it does not derive from the Bible but the Babylonian mystery religion. What do we, as New Covenant Christians of Messianic Israel, actually believe then?
As I explained last week, there is no such thing as 'God'. The Hebrew words we translate as 'God' mean 'Ruler' or 'Rulers' and there are several in the Hebrew language. In fact, there are four main words: Elohim (which is plural), El, Elah and Eloah, all of which we arbitrarity translate as 'God'. The first, Elohim, as we have seen, is used to describe Yahweh, Yah'shua, the Ruach haQodesh, angels and Israelite rulers. It is also used to describe pagan deities and demons, including female ones. Of one pagan goddess or demoness we read:
"He [Solomon] followed Ashtoreth the goddess (elohim) of the Sidonians, and Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites ... they have forsaken Me and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess (elohim) of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god (elohim) of the Moabites, and Molech the god (elohim) of the Ammonites, and have not walked in My ways, nor done what is right in My eyes, nor kept My statutes and laws as David, Solomon's father, did" (1 Kings 11:4-6,33, NIV).
So Elohim quite simply means 'rulers', male or female, true or false. Yahweh is also called El Elyon meaning 'Most High Ruler' or simply 'The Most High' because He is the supreme Ruler and Creator of the universe. Whenever the singular El is used it always refers either to the Heavenly Father Himself or to a pagan idol. Whatever rules a man's heart is an elohim or an el, male or female, good or evil, supernatural or mortal, angelic or human. Two other forms of El are found in Scripture, Elah and Eloah, words which are of obscure origin. Traditionally they are used of Yahweh or the whole Godhead as an object of worship.
The relationship between men and women is clearly explained in the Torah. Even before the Fall, Adam was Eve's head, ruler and elohim. And as we saw last week, Sarah, the first wife of Abraham, is presented as a model wife who was in proper relationship to her husband, Abraham, whose children we are when we live the Messianic Israelite faith.
As you will have heard in my previous sermons, the Heavenly Mother has turned up a number of times in the Garden, and is doing so more and more frequently. She is a Person quite distinct from Heavenly Father. And she openly calls Yah'shua Her Son. She comes and nourishes newly born-again sons and daughters after they have been washed clean in the blood of Messiah and have received new robes. She is, moreover, a part of that process as the sinner is dipped, immersed or baptised into the lake, whose water is both male and female. After this cleansing by the atonement of Yah'shua, she often blesses her children by kissing them lightly on the mouth, the result of which is a filling of the body with life and light, what evangelicals would call the Baptism of Fire or Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is never accompanied by tongue-speaking or such phenomena but always by great peace, joy and happiness, the fruits described by Paul: "But the fruit of the Ruach is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Gal.5:22-23, NIV). We are reminded of Paul's admonition to greet fellow believers with a holy kiss (Rom.16:16; 1 Cor.16:20; 2 Cor.13:12; 1 Thes.5:26).
As Yah'shua is the rôle model for men so the Heavenly Mother or Ruach is the rôle model for women. If you look at all the ideal women described in the Bible, from Sarah to Mary the mother of Yah'shua, you are at once struck by how like the Ruach they are. To understand godly woman is therefore to understand the Heavenly Mother. Yah'shua taught: "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt.5:48, NIV). Is it not logical, then, to expect that women should also seek perfection by imitating their Heavenly Mother?
Contrary to what many Christians believe, there is much spoken of our Heavenly Mother in the Scriptures, and especially in the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. Indeed one of her names is Wisdom or in the Hebrew, Hochmah. And whilst many if not most commentators believe that Hochmah is just the poetical personification of a virtue, She is, in fact, a Divine Person. Solomon knew all about her but in his impatience to please his foreign wives, started getting involved in religious syncretism, losing his discernment and eventually embraced the various demonesses who impersonate the Ruach. We saw one of them, Ashtoreth, earlier, who claims to be the Queen of Heaven (Jer.7:18; 44:17-19,25). And one of the worst counterfeits of the Ruach is a demoness called Sophia, the Greek word for 'wisdom', who is active in virtually every false spiritual manifestation in the churches today. Like angels, the Heavenly Mother refuses worship and always points to Yahweh through Her Son Yah'shua. We honour the Mother only as we worship the Father in spirit and truth. Thus Yah'shua would say:
"... a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. Elohim is spiritual, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24, modified from NIV).
This is both a very important scripture as well as a very hard one to understand. The Hebraic versions of the New Testament read: "Elohim is Ruach; and they that worship Him must worship in Ruach and Emet (Truth)" (ibid., RSTN). When Elohim is spoken of here, it is the whole Godhead of Father, Son and Ruach. When we worship Elohim we worship all, acknowledging the Father, Yahweh, as the Supreme El, or El Elyon. Notice how we are to worship the Elohim - in Ruach and in Emet - in Spirit and in Truth. We know who the Truth is, for this Yah'shua claimed for Himself (Jn.14:6), which Truth, He said, would set men and women free (Jn.8:32) and which we would only come to know by adhering closely to His teaching. When we therefore worship Yahweh we worship Him in the Ruach - the Heavenly Mother - and in the Truth - Yah'shua the Messiah. We worship the Father in the divine virtues that are of the Mother - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal.5:22-23, NIV).
You will recall that when Yahweh asked Solomon what gift he would like his response was:
"'Give me Hochmah (wisdom) and Maddah (knowledge, intelligence), that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?' Elohim said to Solomon, 'Since this is your heart's desire and you have not asked for wealth, riches or honour, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you'" (2 Chron.1:10-12, NIV).
Yes, Solomon was given the Ruach in abundance! But when he started disobeying Yahweh's Torah and turned to occultism, the Heavenly Mother left him and he was seduced by the destructive demoness Asthoreth or Astarte., leaving him to become one of the greatest fools who ever lived. Hear this and hear this well: if Yahweh has granted you wisdom and intelligence, then you have been given a special gift of the Mother. But if you prostitute that gift by turning away from Torah and to occultism, she will depart and counterfeit mothers will possess you and lead you to destruction.
Now I can't really blame occultists for accusing Christians of being misogenists even if their reasons are completely wrong and the spirit behind them is demonic. Catholicism removed the Heavenly Mother and instead deified a woman, the mother of Yah'shua, making her into the blasphemous 'mother of God'. Of course, the spirit behind this Catholic Madonna is not the actual spirit of the mother of our Messiah, but is no less than the Wiccan goddess, Lilith. And those who follow her are deceived even as Solomon was for blending paganism into the true faith.
The gift of the Ruach haQodesh is a precious one. It is so sacred that Yah'shua even said: "I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin" (Mark 3:28-29, NIV). Needless to say this scripture has frightened a lot of people, mostly men. What is blasphemy? Blasphemy is the act of effrontery in which the honour of Yahweh is insulted by man and the punishment for such is, according to Torah, death (Lev.24:10-23; 1 Ki.21:9ff; Acts 6:11; 7:58). The punishment for the death sentence has today been paid for by Yah'shua on the cross so that if we repent we may be restored. Nevertheless, if we blaspheme we are spirituall dead - cut off from Yahweh.
What is this terrible sin against the Divine Feminine that cannot be forgiven? Why can we blaspheme Yahweh and Yah'shua and be forgiven but not the Heavenly Mother? And who did Yah'shua have in mind when He spoke these frightening words? The next verse answers our question: "He said this because they (the Torah-teachers) were saying, "He has an evil ruach (spirit)" (Mark 3:30, NIV). Yah'shua had been casting demons out and these Torah-teachers, who worshipped the letter of the law but were dead to its ruach, claimed that he was casting Satan out with Satan. They were accusing the Divine Mother of being Satan! They were accusing Her of being a strongman. That, brethren and sisters, is the unforgivable sin. And it is no accident that immediately after saying this, that Yah'shua's mother and brothers arrived and a short discourse follows on who are true spiritual mothers and brethren (vv.31-35).
Today in our modern paganised society fatherhood and motherhood have been totally downgraded. Here in Sweden the state claims that parents are not capable of raising their children and that they are actually harming them - hence the need for that mystical entity called the 'state' to do so in government schools. They want children 'liberated' from their parents. To protect some children from some abusive parents is understandable, but to destroy parenhood is utterly demonic. We need our mothers like we need our life. To dismiss motherhood is to invite death. It is to rip the heart out of a child. This is what Satan does when he persuades people to abandon the parental rôles He establishes in Torah. Yahweh must have thought it important enough to take the Heavenly Mother out of Himself and assign her a specific rôle in the spiritual life of man. Hochmah was "the first of Yahweh's works, before His deeds of old" (Prov.8:22). She was "appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began" (v.23). She "was there when He set the heavens in place ... then (She) was the craftswoman at His side" (vv.27,30a).
Yes, brethren and sisters, these are Her words in the book of Proverbs, and they are recorded in the first person. These are the words of the Ruach haQodesh Herself! She goes on and says: "I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in His presence, rejoicing in His whole world and delighting in mankind" (vv.30b-31). Do you undestand who Yahweh is speaking of here? It is His wife! And He delighted in her, not in some abstract principle. Like Eve, she stood at the side of her husband, taken from His side, His intimate companion. This is the Beloved Wife, the Beloved Mother. Whom do you suppose Yahweh breathed into the clay that was to form the first man? "Yahweh-Elohim formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (Gen.2:7, NIV). He breathed the nishmat chayim, the highest form of Ruach there is, the Neshamah haQodesh. After His resurrection, Yah'shua appeared to His disciples and said to them:
"'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven" (John 20:21-23, NIV).
The Heavenly Mother is the breath or ruach of life, which is what our word 'spirit' actually means. She is divine breath. That is why she kisses her children on the mouth in the Garden. In the creation account of Adam, notice that it is the whole Godhead - Yahweh-Elohim - all the Rulers - who participate. Which is why John, in the opening verses of his Gospel, can say:
"There was a man sent from Elohim, whose name was John [the Baptist]. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world" (John 1:6-9, NKJV).
Every human being is born with the Light of Messiah in His flesh, handed down generation after generation since the time of the creation of Adam. Every man and woman has the divine breath also - the Heavenly Mother - the life-bringer. The Father, the Son and the Ruach haQodesh are all in man in one small degree or another. But unlike ordinary mankind, what do we learn of the Messiah? "... In whom dwells the fullness of the Godhead (Aram. Elhuta) bodily" (Col.2:9). In Yah'shua is the full Godhead - the complete Elohim, whereas we only have portion.
Now if a person claims that the Heavenly Mother is Satan, what is he doing? He is denying his own breath or ruach. He is saying: Stop breathing! And what happens when you stop breathing? You die! He is saying: I do not want life principle anymore.
Brethren and sisters, Solomon declared, before the days of his apostacy and descent into imbecility:
"Hochmah (Wisdom, Heavenly Mother, Ruach) is glorious, and never fadeth away; yea, She is easily seen of them that love her, and found of such as seek Her ... whoso seeketh Her early shall have no great travail; for he shall find Her sitting at his doors. To think therefore upon Her is perfection of wisdom; and whoso watcheth for Her shall quickly be without care. For She goeth about seeking such as are worthy of Her, showeth Herself favourably unto them in the ways, and meeteth them in every thought. For the very true beginning of Her is the desire of discipline; and the care of discipline is love. And love is the keeping of Her Torah; and the giving heed unto Her Torah is the assurance of incorruption; and incorruption maketh us near unto Elohim" (Wisdom of Solomon 6:12,14-19, KJV, Apocrypha).
This is but one small quote from a long discourse by Solomon on the Holy Mother. How do we know that Hochmah or Wisdom is the same as the Ruach haQodesh? Because Solomon says so: "O send Her (Hochmah) out of Thy holy heaven, and from the throne of Thy glory, that being present She may labour with me, that I may know what is pleasing unto Thee ... give wisdom and send Thy Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) from above" (WS 9:10,17).
When you realise that the Ruach haQodesh - the Holy Spirit - is your Heavenly Mother, your whole perspective of spiritual matters changes. Long before I knew anything about the Garden of Yahweh, or others of my children and family met Her, She revealed Herself to me back when I lived in England in about 1979 in a way that is of great significance for those seeking to understand the many symbols of the Garden.
I was meditating in my room one evening when the large mirror opposite me started turning a misty white colour. The mist began to condense out into a white sheet of what appeared to be giant flower petals laced together as if to make a curtain. One by one, starting at the bottom, the petals began to fall away until before me lay a beautiful scene. I saw rolling green hills covered in luscious grass and flowers of a colour and intensity quite unlike anything of this world. I could hear a tinkling sound like Chinese wind bells blowing in the breeze that had a calming effect on the soul and which seemed to blend naturally into the scene. Standing before me was this tall and graceful woman who seemed to possess both eternal youth and the wisdom of great age. She was extraodinarily beautiful and radiated peace and plenty. A long shimmering white dress extended from Her neck to Her ankles such that only Her hands and face were visible. As I accumstomed myself to the light emanating from Her I could see that Her dress was embrodered with fine floral and symbolic patterns and that there were many colours which seeemed to have their own existence and were woven together in an intricate tapestry. She stood not five feet away from me. Almost at once I heard a voice, gentle and yet powerful, saying: "I am the Heavenly Mother". And then She, and the vision as a whole, faded leaving the mirror functioning in its natural state.
It wasn't until 28 years later - this year - that She would appear again directly in my life. In the Garden and in the great mansion house where my family lives, is a room filled with great mirrors. These mirrors have one function only: we look into them in order to see what we are images of, for it is written, "Elohim said, "Let us make man in our image ... So Elohim created man in His own image, in the image of Elohim He created him; male and female He created them" (Gen.1:26-27, NIV). Because Yahweh is El Elyon, the Most High, the Godhead as a whole is 'male', but the Heavenly Mother is a part of it. When Adam was made he was made in the image of the Mother and Father, but with the outer appearance of the Father. When Eve was taken out of Him, she was made in the image of the Mother, imaging Her. We look in the mirror to find our true reflection - women to see the Ruach, and men to see the Father.
But we must also be on the lookout for demonic mirrors - these have sometimes appeared in the garden and been presented to demonised individuals seeking deliverance, as happened to one of my adopted daughters. These serve another purpose - to reflect self in a demonic way. Always test all mirrors, as indeed, every manifestation, and destroy all false ones.
Next week I want to look at some daughters of the Heavenly Mother so that we can better understand what true womanhood is and how to imitate the Mother. May you be blessed to seeek and know about your Heavenly Mother, "the Ruach (breath) of the power of Elohim" (WS 7:25). Amen.
Author: Lev-Tsiyon
Comments from Readers
[1] "I did not know that you believe in a Heavenly Mother. So also do I! I also believe in an 'only begotten Daughter', who was revealed as the 'second Eve' when Yahushua, like the first Adam, was put into a deep sleep; and like the first Adam, his side was pierced. The 'parakletos' is the Ruach of the Son, sent in the Son's name, to be 'our Mother with us'. Just as the bodies of the sacrificial offerings were cut up into seven pieces, so also, the Ruach (Spirit) was divided severally to the church. In the Torah, a FEMALE sacrifice was required of the common people gor sin and trespass offerings. To bring a male trespass or sin offering would be to break Torah. It would be disobedience. She is the Daughter of Heavenly Mount Zion, the city of our Feasts. This view (in light of the ancient Suzerainty marriage) does not exclude born again literal Israel and those Gentiles who attach themselves to her" (SK, USA, 22 June 2016).
Glossary of MLT Hebraic, Greek and English Terms For other terms and full details please see the Micropedia
Adon(ai) = Master, a pagan fertility god, Adonis; used by many Messianics but not MLT
(a)eon(ian) = 7 dispensation- or age-long time periods, not forever (see le-olam-va-ed)
Alef-Tav = Alpha-Omega, A-Z, first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet = Yah'shua
Amen = truly, let it be so, written Amein by some Messianics
Apocrypha = Hebraic Scriptures not a part of the Protestant canon (e.g. Baruch)
Anti-Messiah = Hebraic term for the end-time Antichrist or anyone opposed to the Messiah
antinomian = lawless Christian who disregards all or part of Torah/commandments
Ashkenazi Jew = East European Jew descended from the Turkic-Japhethite Khazars
Assembly = church, congregation, ekklesia, community, fellowship, koinonia, gathering
Azazel = the Yom Kippur scapegoat
Baal, Ba'al = any other master than Yahweh, usually demonic in MLT terminology
Bachor(im) = firstborn son(s)
Bar/Bat Mitzvah = Son/Daughter of Commandment, covenant to obey Torah at age 12
being = soul, the whole person (spirit and body), e.g. "my whole being"
Beit, bet, beth = house, e.g. Beit Yisrael (House of Israel), Beth Lechem (House of Bread)
Beit haMikdash = Yahweh's Temple in Yerushalayim
B'rit Chadashah = the New Covenant; B'rit Chadashah Scriptures = New Testament
B'rit Milah = circumcision - abolished in the B'rit Chadashah, replaced by Mikvah
canon = authoritative Scripture (Heb. qaneh, Gk. kanôn = measuring instrument)
Catechumen = a serious, covenanted investigator seeking Mikvah or Baptism in MLT
Chag haMatzah = Feast of Unleavened Bread, second of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Chavurat Bekorot = MLT's Priesthood Order, Holy Order and Assembly of the Firstborn
Cohen = priest; Cohen Gadol = High Priest (also spelled Kohen)
Council of Yah's elohim = the heavenly Assembly of the Firstborn or Chavurat Bekorot
demon = fallen malek or angel in rebellion against Yahweh (Heb. shad; see Êl-Shaddai)
derech = the Way, Path or Road - Yah'shua and the Gospel are the Way
Drash = moral or homiletic interpretation of Scripture - see PaRDeS
Echad = One, Union of two or more in one (as opposed to Yachid) - see Elohim
Echad Godhead Doctrine = Father Yahweh, Son Yah'shua and Sevenfold Ruach (Mother)
Êl, Eloah, Elah = God the Father, Yahweh
Êl-Elyon = Most High God, Yahweh
Êl-Shaddai = Master/Lord over all shads or demons
Elohim = God, the Godhead (Father, Son & Holy Spirit), lit. 'Mighty One(s)', 'Ruler(s)'
elohim = Israelite judges, rulers, angels or gods (false deities, idols, demons)
emunah = faith, actively trusting, clinging or adhering to (especially Yahweh or Yah'shua)
emet = truth, Yah'shua is the Emet
Ephraimite = descendant of the patriarch Ephraim and head of Messsianic Israel
Feasts of Yahweh = the 7 annual Moedim (Pesach, Chag haMatzah, Yom haBikkurim, Shavu'ot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot)
Gan-Eden = Garden of Eden, Paradise and state of the purified heart in Messiah
goy(im) = nation(s), Israelites or gentiles not born in or converted to the Covenant
hallelu-Yah = praise Yah(weh)!
Heylel = proper name of Satan or haSatan = the Adversary, the devil
Sabbath = Yom Shabbat (Friday to Saturday sunset, add 1 day in IDL Zone)
Hochmah = Wisdom, title of the 7-fold Ruach haQodesh
IDL = International Date Line, false man-made time division in Pacific Ocean
IDL Zone = Area between the true Divine Date Line (Lake Van/Eden) and the false one
Israeli = citizen of the modern Edomite-Khazar Republic of Israel (not Biblical Israel)
Israelite = citizen of biblical state of Israel or a modern follower of the Messiah
Jew = post-biblical term describing descendants of Edomite and Khazar converts to Judaism
Johannine = pertaining to the Apostle Yochanan (e.g. Gospel of John)
Josephite = descendant of the patriarch Joseph, the head of Messianic Israel
Judahite = a person in direct descent from the patriarch Judah, forefather of the Messiah
Judaism = a Talmudic-based religion rejecting Yah'shua the Messiah
Judean = a citizen of the Kingdom or Province of Judah until the 2nd Century diaspora
Kadosh la Yahweh = set-apart or dedicated to Yahweh, 'Holiness to the Lord', MLT motto
Karaites = Jews (from 700 AD) who reject the Talmud and accept only the Tanakh
kashrut = keeping kosher, food laws of Yahweh and correspinding lifestyle
Ketuvim = Writings or Hagiographa of the Tanakh
Khazar = a Turkic convert to Judaism ~700 AD forming the Ashkenazi Jewish community
kosher = clean foods authorised by Yahweh for human consumption
Lashon Hara = evil-speaking, gossip or slander
legalism = false route to salvation through works (self-salvation)
le-olam-va-ed = dispensation- or age-long, aeonian, not eternal, forever or for eternity
Lev = heart, as in Lev-Tsiyon = heart of Zion
Lev-Tsiyon = Heart of the Fortress [of Yahweh], Hebrew name of MLT's founder
Master = Lord, Sir, Adon(ai) - (one in authority, a ruler - a king, husband, prophet, judge)
Malak(im) = Angel(s), heavenly supernatural messenger(s)
manna = wafers of honey, bread from heaven (lit. 'what is this?')
matzah = unleavened bread, see Chag haMatzah
Menorah = 7-armed candlearbra = the 7 annual Moedim and 7-fold Ruach haQodesh
Messiah = Christ; Anti-Messiah = Antichrist
Messianic Community = Body of Christ, sum total of all true believers; all true fellowships
Messianic Israel = all who worship Yahweh, trust in Yah'shua, obey Torah and overcome
Messianic Jew = Messianic convert from Judaism still clinging to Talmudic traditions
Midrash = aggadic interpretation of scripture viâ Drash, a scriptural discussion
Mikvah = baptism by immersion of convert into Yah'shua or of wife into husband
Mishpachah = family: nuclear, congregational, tribal or the whole of Messianic Israel
MLT = Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon = family of the heart of the fortress [of Yahweh]
Mishpat = right-ruling or judgement
mitzvah/mitzvot = commandment(s)
moed(im) = appointment(s) of Yahweh, 7 Annual Feasts, Sabbath and Rosh Chodesh
Nefilim, Nephilim = giant offspring of materialised demons and human women
Nevi'im = prophetic writings of the Old Testament or Tanakh
New Birth = spiritual conversion in the Ruach haRishon, being 'born again' with new heart
Nidah = a woman's menstruation period during which no intercourse is permitted
Olive Branch = collection of revelations, prophecies and visions published by MLT
Paraclete = Comforter, Advocate (NEB), Counsellor, Ruach haQodesh (Gk. paraklêtos)
PaRDeS = method of textual interpretation (homiletics) - see P'shat, Remez, Drash, Sod
Patriarch = a father who is head of his family, clan or tribe (lit. 'father-ruler')
Pentateuch = first five books of the Tanakh (Genesis-Deuteronomy), also called Torah
peribolaion = headcovering worn by daughters/wives in submission to fathers/husbands
Pesach = Passover, first of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Peshitta = an Aramaic version of the Bible
Prototrinitarianism = early, simplified MLT formulation of the Echad Godhead Doctrine
Prush(im) = Pharisee(s)
Pseudepigrapha = Non-canonical Hebrew writings additional to the Apocrypha
P'shat = literal, contextual, philological, exoteric, outer meaning of Scripture - see PaRDeS
Qadosh Qadoshim = Holy of Holies, most sacred set-apart room of the Beit haMikdash
Qodesh, Kodesh = set-apart, holy (see Ruach haQodesh)
Rabbi = Teacher, term used by Messianic Jews and some Messianic Israelites = Pastor
Refuge, the 12 Cities of = divinely protected MLT fortresses during the 7-year Tribulation
Remez = hint or allegorical level of Hebraic understanding of Scripture - see PaRDeS
Rosh Chodesh = monthly New Moon appointment of Yahweh
ruach = spirit of a person (lit.'breath')
Ruach Elohim = Spirit of God (the Spirit of the collective Godhead or Elohim)
Ruach haChamashee = 5th Ruach presides over Yom Teruah and Yom Chamashee
Ruach haQodesh = the Sevenfold Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost (lit. 'Set-Apart Breath')
Ruach haRevee = 4th Ruach presides over Shavu'ot, Yom Revee and Bar Mitzvah
Ruach haRishon = 1st Ruach presides over Pesach, Yom Rishon and the New Birth
Ruach haShanee = 2nd Ruach presides over Chag haMatzah and Yom Shanee
Ruach haSheshi = 6th Ruach presides over Yom Kippur and Yom Sheshi
Ruach haShleshi = 3rd Ruach presides over Yom haBikkurim, Yom Shleshi and Mikvah
Sabbath = Yom Shabbat (Friday to Saturday sunset, add 1 day in IDL Zone)
Satan = rebel archangel Heylel, father of lies, devil, chief demon (lit.'Adversary')
Sephardic Jew = West European Jew of mixed blood containing many Judahites
Septuagint = Greek translation of the Tanakh, LXX
Shegal haShabbat = 7th Ruach (Sabbath Queen) presides over Sukkot and Yom Shabbat
Shekinah = Divine Presence and Glory of Yahweh-Elohim
Set-apart = holy, sanctified, consecrated, dedicated, separated (to and by Yahweh)
Shabbat-Shabbaton = High Sabbath (e.g. Yom Kippur)
Shalom = heavenly peace, standard Hebraic greeting invoking Yahweh's peace
Shamash(im) = servant(s), deacon(s), attendant(s)
Shavu'ot = Pentecost or Weeks, fourth of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Sheol = grave or pit, euphamism for Hades or hell - also see Tartarus
shofar = ram's horn, blown during Yahweh's Moedim
simcha = joy, keynote of Sukkot
Sod = mystical, anagogic, inner or esoteric understanding of Scripture - see PaRDeS
Sukkot = Tabernacles or Booths, seventh of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Synagogue = Greek word used by Jews and Messianics (but not MLT) for a meeting house
talmid(a) = male/female disciple or student
Talmud = scriptures, teachings and commentaries belonging to non-Messianic Judaism
Tanakh = acronym for Old Testament Scriptures - Torah, Nevi'im & Ketuvim
Tartarus = place of imprisonment under the earth for rebellious angels and Nephilim
teshuvah = repentance, remorse and contrition leading back to Torah obedience
Torah = Yahweh's teachings or Law; New Covenant Torah includes Yah'shua's teachings
Tribulation, the Great = the final 7 years of the present aeon when Anti-Messiah rules
Trinity = Catholic Godhead formula - see Echad Godhead Doctrine and Prototrinitarianism
Tsiyon = Zion, a fortress, a name of Jerusalem and a prominent hill
Tzitzit/Tizitziyot = tassel(s) worn by men in remembrance of Torah
Universalism = salvation of all at the cosmic Yovel, with different rewards and punishments
Yachid = one, single person or item, as opposed to Echad (many in one, unity)
Yah'shua the Messiah = Jesus Christ (the Son)
Yahudah = Judah - see Judahite
Yahweh, Yah, YHWH = the true Name of our Heavenly Father, also carried by Yah'shua
Yahweh-Elohim = LORD God (the Father, Yahweh as Head of the Godhead or Elohim)
Yahweh haQatan = the sent Yahweh = Yah(weh)'shua, Malak of Yahweh's Presence
Yam Suf = Sea of Reeds, the true Israelite Exodus water crossing, not the Red Sea
Yarden = Jordan River (lit. 'meanderer')
Yerushalayim = Jerusalem
Yisrael = Israel (lit. 'ruling with Êl') = true believers under the New Covenant
Yom Chamashee = 5th day of the week (Thursday, Friday in IDL Zone)
Yom Din, Yom haDin = (the) Day of Judgement
Yom haBikkurim = Feast of Firstfruits, third of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Yom Revee = 4th day of the week (Wednesday, Thursday in IDL Zone)
Yom Rishon = 1st day of the week (Sunday, Monday in IDL Zone)
Yom Kippur = Day of Atonement, sixth of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Yom Shabbat = 7th day of the week and Sabbath Rest (Saturday, Sunday in IDL Zone)
Yom Shanee = 2nd day of the week (Monday, Tuesday in IDL Zone)
Yom Sheshi = 6th day of the week (Friday, Saturday in IDL Zone)
Yom Shleshi = 3rd day of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday in IDL Zone)
Yom Teruah = Day of Trumpets, fifth of the annual feasts of Yahweh
Yosef = Joseph - see Josephite
Yovel = Jubilee or Year of Jubilee
Zaqen(im) = elder(s) of an assembly or congregation, or senior members of a community
Zoë Life = Greek term for spiritual life in the Messiah
Commonly Used MLT Abbreviations
For additional abbreviations and explanations, please see the Micropedia
Amp.V(er). = Amplified Version of the Bible
Aram. = Aramaic
AV = Authorised Version of the Bible - see KJV
BCAY = B'rit Chadashah Assembly of Yahweh - see NCCG
BoA = Books of Abraham (e.g. 1Abr., 2Abr., etc.)
cp, cf = compare with
CB(Q) = Chavurat Bekorot
CEV = Contemporary English Version of the Bible
ch. = chapter
CJB = Complete Jewish Bible
CLNT = Concordant Literal New Testament
CYe = Council of Yah's elohim
Eng. = English
ff. = and onwards/forwards
fn = footnote
Gk. = Greek
GNB = Good News Bible - see TEV
Heb. = Hebrew, Hebraic
HEM = Holy Echad Marriage, eternal marriage
HO = Holy Order - see Chavurat Bekorot
HOC = Holy Order Collection of revelations - see OB
HRV = Hebraic-Roots Version of the Bible
ibid. = ibidem (lit. 'in the same place'), referring to a book previously cited
ICJC = Independent Church of Jesus Christ, earlier name of NCCF
ISRV = Institute for Scripture Research Version of the Bible
JB = Jerusalem Bible
JBP/Phillips = J.B.Phillips translation of the New Testament
JNT = Jewish New Testament
KJV = King James Version of the Bible - see AV
LB = Living Bible
lit. = literally or literature
LXX = Septuagint, Greek translation of the OT
MLT = Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon
Moff. = Moffatt translation of the Bible
MRC = Messianic Renewed Covenant Version of the NT
MS(S) = Manuscript(s)
NASB, NASV = New American Standard Bible/Version
NC&C = New Covenants & Commandments - see OB
NCCF = New Covenant Christian Fellowship, earlier name of NCCG
NCCG = New Covenant Church of God, earlier name of MLT - see BCAY
NCP = New Covenant Press, publishing arm of MLT
NCW = New Covenant Witness, MLT magazine
NEB = New English Bible
NIV = New International Version of the Bible
NKJV = New King James Version of the Bible
Nor. = Norwegian
NT = New Testament, B'rit Chadashah
NWT = New World Translation of the Bible, unreliable Jehovah's Witness version
OB = Olive Branch - see NC&C
op.cit. = opere citato (lit. in the work cited)
OT = Old Testament, Tanakh
p(p). = page(s)
pl. = plural - see s.
PWNC = Prophetic Words of the New Covenant, revelation cataloging system - see OB
QED = quod erat demonstrandum (lit. which was shown to be proved)
RCF = Restoration Christian Fellowship, earlier name of ICJC
RhQ = Ruach haQodesh, Holy Spirit
RSTNE = Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition of the Bible
RSV = Revised Standard Version of the Bible
RV = Revised Version of the Bible
s. = singular - see pl.
S&G = Smith & Goodspeed Version of the Bible
TEV = Today's English Version of the Bible - see GNB
Vulg. = Biblia Vulgata, Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible
WEB = World English Bible
Glossary Copyright ©2007 Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT) - All Rights Reserved
This page was first created on 7 March 2007
Last updated on 22 June 2016
Copyright ©2005-2016 Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT) - All Rights Reserved