HEM - Copyright ©2008 SBSK
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The 12 Books of Abraham

      "You are a chosen generation, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9, NKJV)

    This website is not for arrogant religionists, snobs or angry monogamy-only extremists who just want to pick a fight. Neither is it for libertines, hedonists, bohemians, polyandrists, polyamorists, swingers, the sexual anarchists or the majority riffraff who look into plural marriage for all the wrong reasons. This website exists for born-again, Bible-believing, chaste, pure-hearted, Torah-obedient disciples of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) whose interest in plural marriage (polygyny - one man married to two or more women) is motivated solely by that noble impulse which is the possession of those who belong to the Royal Melchizedek Priesthood of the Remnant of Messianic Israel. Their one overriding ambition and goal is to bring to pass the Kingdom of Elohim (God) and its righteousness, to be obedient to the Laws of Yahweh, to raise a godly seed, and to serve their brethren and sisters with all their hearts.

    HEM stands apart from other Christian and Messianic polygamy ministries in that it not only possesses a unique vision of the Kingdom and has considerable experience in living plural marriage (being one of the oldest - possibly the oldest - Christian/Messianic polygamous communities in the West), but because it is committed to the highest possible moral and ethical standards without compromise. With the exception of a tiny handfull of Christian/Messianic polygamy ministries whom we feel reflect the kinds of standards we aspire to, to different degrees, whom you can learn more about in the links page, we have distanced ourselves from all the rest which for the most part have sunk into the quagmire of flesh-trading and have cheapened the Gospel of Christ, quite apart from blackening the name of Christian/Messianic Plural Marriage as a whole, an important reason we shut down this ministry for 13 years in order to completely distance ourselves from the anarchy and chaos of early 2000's.

    We like to think of ourselves as a kind of 'Polygamous Knights of the Round Table', committed to chivalry and honour, chastity and purity. We look upon the creation of marriage unions not for "outer appearance" but for righteousness (John 7:24). As you study this website I hope you glimspe something of the vision which we stand for, to which many wonderful men and women have been drawn and with whom we share a precious fellowship. Those polygamists who have aligned themselves with the HEM Vision, consisting of patriarchs and Christian/Messianic polygynist ladies are of the highest moral and spiritual calibre, share their testimonies on the website.

    Most of the questions that have been raised about HEM plural marriage you will find thoroughly answered from many angles and by different people, men and women alike, and by those both of our ministry and those outside it, on the HEM website. If there is anything we have missed, then please contact us by email and we will put up replies in the FAQ/Your Questions Answered section as and when we have the time (we are missionaries so don't have a lot of free time any more) - but make sure you have thoroughly researched the website first as we do not respond to questions that have already been answered.

    We are bound by no creed save the Apostles' Creed even if we have a highly developed theology. You can learn more about this on the main website

    This is the largest plural marriage website of its kind anywhere and at any time, claims by others notwithstanding. There are over 500 articles here not to mention numerous books. Everything here is free. There are no subscriptions or membership fees of any kind in order to have full access to all our materials. We do not solicit donations either and we are not paid for the work we do. Freely we have received from Elohim (God), freely do we share. If you want to use our materials, you are free to do so provide you observe our copyright rules.

    The HEM website is the largest and the most
    comprehensive polygamy resource in the world

    The people whom we seek to attract to this website are those of a sensitive and tender disposition, who believe in discretion, and who want to seek fellowship with men and women who will respect, honour and cherish them as sons or daughters of Elohim (God). If you of such a disposition, we feel sure you will feel quite at home here, and hopefully with the wider ministry. Plural marriage is not, in any case, the 'main thing', but one facet of a many-faceted Gospel with which it effortlessly dovetails.

    May Eternal Elohim (God), our Heavenly Father, Yahweh, bless you through His Son Yah'shua (Jesus), and may the goodness of heaven that we have come to know through the Christian/Messianic polygamous lifestyle come to be yours as well, is our heart-felt prayer.

    Author: SBSK

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    First created on 10 September 2001
    Updated on 14 August 2016

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