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The 12 Books of Abraham

    Stanisław's Corner 8

    The Dance of Marital Union

    There are a lot of twisted ideas about sex and marriage these days, and almost all of it spiritually and physically destructive. I and my wives believe that sex was created to be enjoyed to the full within the boundaries established by the Creator. We are as hostile to all the perverse ideas about sex that fill the sewers of the world as we are to the Augustinian anti-sex attitudes of Catholicism and other sectors of distorted Christendom. We take as our inspiration the Song of Solomon about which I have written a book (it's a bit deep and better left for serious students!).

    The Bible contains everything we need to know about sex and how to live a full and satisfying sexual life. There are a number of articles on the main HEM Page which describe these matters in more detail, such as Sex and Polygamy and Echad Sex: Contemplative Intimacy in New Covenant Plural Marriage.

    All I will say here (because it is not proper to say more) is that none of us lack in that area and have worked things out (time arrangements, for example) that allows for everyone's needs to be met. Because we don't imitate worldly ways we have had to adjust our 'tastes' and 'preferences', to some extent by getting more Christ-centred. This has had the effect of improving the quality of our sex lives which over-indulgence tends to cheapen. Sex has therefore merged into the overall sense of wholeness which we enjoy as a polygamist foursome.

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    Author: SBSK

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    First created on 5 March 2001
    Updated on 5 August 2016

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