America has a Constitution to Protect the People
Sweden has a Constitution to Protect the State

"Sweden is the only country in the history of the world that has forbidden homeschooling under democratic rule"

"Sverige är det enda land i världshistorien som förbujdit hemundervisning under demokratiskt styre"

(Jonas Himmelstrand, President i Rohus)

Swedes are aware of the creeping totalitarianism entering into national and local government. This prominently displayed sign in a local ship reads:


Go to Introduction to Politics Page

"The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue" (Antisthenes, 444-371 BC)

"In denying the citizens choice, it also spares [the functionaries, the doctrinaire, the natural apparatchiks] problems of conscience or individual taste. It wraps him in down, croons lullabies with subsections and tells him not to bother his pretty little head about anything. So long as he abides by the rules, he is in the right. Hence genocides and gulags" (Nigel Farage, MEP)

A. Introductory Articles

Introduction Part 1: Libertarianism (CCMW)
Introduction Part 2: The Swedish Political System (CCMW)
Introduction Part 3: The Second Battle of Poltava (CCMW)
Introduction Part 4: Sweden - A Society Without a Goal (CCMW)
Introduction Part 5: Waking Sweden's Sleeping Beauty (CCMW)

"This is, in theory still a free country, but our politically-correct, censorious times are such that many of us tremble to give vent to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation. Freedom of speech is thereby imperiled, big questions go undebated, and great lies become accepted uniquivocally as great truths" (Simon Heffer)

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth"
(John F. Kennedy)

B. Politics, Homeschooling & Family Life

B1. Articles on

Why Homeschooling Was Really Banned in Sweden (CCMW)
Why is the Swedish State So Cruel and Heartless? (CCMW)
The Conformist Mindset: Origins of Swedish State Control (CCMW)
Sweden Bans Home-schooling, Religious Instruction (Alex Newman)
Motion 2009/10:Ub273 Rätten till hemundervisning (M.Jakobsson & K.Nilsson)
From Democracy to Dictatorship Using Democracy (CCMW)
1 July 2011: Sweden's Day of Infamy? (CCMW)
Swedish Hate Crime (Touchstone)

B2. Articles on Other Websites

Lessons Learned from Swedish Family Policies (J.Himmelstrand) (external link)

"A recent MORI poll, commissioned by the Campaign for Learning, found that 90% of adults were favourably inclined towards further learning themselves...The bad news is that 75% said they were unhappy and alienated in the school environment and that, therefore, they preferred to learn at home, in the local library, at their workplace - anywhere other than a school-type setting" (Meighan)

Jonas Himmelstrand of Sweden's Mireja Institute
debunks the myth that Sweden is a social utopia based
on its national daycare program (5 May 2011)

"The will of the people and peoples of Europe was irrelevent to [those]...who first conconcted the plan of a European superstate. In common with most idealists and socialists, they believed the people to be servants of the state (and so, implicitly, of the state's senior 'servants') rather than vice versa" (Nigel Farage, MEP - the EU copied and applied the lessons learned from the totalitarian Swedish Model)

C. Swedish and EU 'Third Way' Politics:
The Communist and Fascist Roots of Tyranny

Understanding Sweden: Fascism in Slow Motion (John J. Ray)
Understanding Sweden: Tax Oppression and Understanding Sweden's Dirty Little Secret (John J. Ray)
Modern Leftism as Recycled Fascism (John J. Ray)
Why Doesn't Communism Have as Bad a Name as Nazism? (Dennis Prager)
The Bloody History of Communism (movie)
Svenskarna jublade inte när Berlinmuren föll - Swedes Did Not Rejoice When the Berlin Wall Fell (Swedish & English)
Deliberate Witchhunt Against Christianity in Schools - Medveten klappjakt på kristendomen i skolan (R.Agnarsson) (English & Swedish)
What is Europeism? (Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic)
The Remedy: Direct Democracy (Mike Adams) & Back to the Polls
Totalitarian Sweden & Swedish Democracy in Crisis ('Bodissey' & 'Bogiman')
Fascism and Marxism are the Same Thing (Documentary Movie)
Why all the Swastikas and Hammers-and-Sickles? (CCMW)
Sweden and Zimbabwe: The Totalitarian Love Affair (CCMW)
Karl Marx and the Communist Religion of Hate (CCMW)
The Slide into Totalitarianism: Sweden Bans Another Human Right & the End of Conscientious Objection (CCMW)
The Ministry of Love (Dennis Cuddy)

"What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your mouth" (Jewish Proverb)

D. Inside the Swedish Socio-Medical-Psychiatric Totalitarian State

The Madhouse - an Exposé of the Swedish Socio-Political System (Daniel Hammarberg)
The Domenic Johansson Homeschool Abduction Case (CCMW)
The Folly of Sweden's State-Controlled Families (Siv Westerberg)
The Edner Case - State Abduction of a British Child in Gothenburg (Ruby Harrold-Claesson)
Sweden to Probe Years of Abuse in Children's Homes (Ruby Harrold-Claesson)
Spectre of Children's Gulag Haunts Sweden (Chris Mosey)
A Family's Flight From the Swedish Welfare State (Young, Westreich & Foote)
18-åring inspärrad på mentalsjukhus för sin kristna tro - 18 Year-Old Locked Up in Mental Hospital for His Christian Faith
En familjepolitik som gör barnen psykiskt sjuka - A Family Policy that Creates Children with Mental Disorders (Annica Dahlström & Christian Sörlie Ekström) (Swedish & English)
Sweden's Big Government 'Utopia' Unmasked (Alex Newman)
Gender Madness - Sweden's Attempt to Emasculate and Defeminise a Nation (CCMW)

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have...The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases" (Thomas Jefferson)

E1. Website Links on Sweden

The Mireja Institute - welfare and development through family - demonstrating the need to restore family life in Sweden (in English)
Blågula frågor (Blue-Gold Questions) - a very useful database of facts about the Swedish scene (in Swedish)
Fria Tider (Free Times) - Swedish libertarian website with many diverse viewpoints (in Swedish) - Kulturkamp, folkbildning & Samhällsdebatt - Blogspot to discuss contemporary Swedish issues (in Swedish)
PI Politiskt Inkorrekt (Politically Incorrect) - An examination of politically incorrect issues in Sweden (in Swedish)

E2. Pro-HE Political Parties in Sweden

Liberal Demokratene - The Liberal Democrats - the first (and so far only) political party (formed in 2010) to come out in support of homeschooling! (in Swedish)

E2a. Important LD Articles on Homeschooling

E2b. Important LD Articles on Fascism in Swedish Politics

E3. External Articles on Sweden

Sverige - en totalitär demokrati? - Sweden - a Totalitarian Democracy? - with an interesting section on the Swedish State School System in practice (in Swedish)

E4. External Websites & Articles on
Swedish Social Services (Socialtjänsten)

Samhällets Styvbarn - Society's Stepchildren - Kent Sändh, former state orphanage director, exposing the whole business of state child trafficking (in Swedish)
Varning för Socialtjänsten - Warning Against Swedish Social Services by Kent Sändh, former state orphanage director (in Swedish)

"We must plan for freedom and not only for security, if for no other reason than that only freedom can make security secure" (Karl Popper)

F. Website Links on the European Union

Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) Group in the European Parliament - an exposé of the totalitarian and undemocratic workings of the EU

"Nor is there liberty if the power of judging is not separate from legislative power...If it were joined to legislative power, the power over the life and liberty of the citizens would be arbitrary, for the judge would be legislator" (Montesquieu - something Sweden has yet to learn)

G. Other Website Links

Dr. Jon Jay Ray - one of the most incisive political analysts of our time
Democracy Now: The War and Peace Report - things you won't normally hear on the state-controlled media by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez
Shakedown Socialism - an exposé by Oleg Atbashian who saw the worst of both worlds and lived to tell the tale
The People's Cube - America through the eyes of a former Soviet agitprop artist

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. He cannot righfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others, to do so would be wise, or even right...The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign" (John Stuart Mill - a vital libertarian truth Sweden has yet to learn)

H. Recommended Books

Dominic Raab, The Assault on Liberty: What Went Wrong with Rights (Fourth Estate, London: 2009) - an exposé of the British justice system which has turned Britain's liberal values upside down.
Nigel Farage, Fighting Bull (Biteback, London: 2010) - autobiography by MEP and the leader of the libertarian United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) supported by this website.
Marta Andreasen, MEP, Brussels Laid Bare - How the EU Treated Its Chief Accountant When She Refused to Go Along With Its Fraud and Waste (St.Edwards Press, Yelverton, Devon: 2009) - an exposé of the corruption and frightening power of the EU.
Christopher Booker & Richard North, The Great Deception: Can The European Union Survive? (Continuum, London/New York: 2005) - a superb history of the EU and Britain's relationship with it.
Jonas Himmelstrand, Att följa sitt hjärta - i jantelagens Sverige (Happy Company Publishing, Stockholm: 2010) - an examination into why Sweden's social family policies have failed (in Swedish, English edition coming in 2011) - order a copy below:

"Diet, injections and injunctions will combine from a very early age to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable. And any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible" (Bertrand Russel, Socialist Philosopher and Visionary, in The Impact of Science on Society - his frightening prediction has come true in our day of near total state control)

Jonas Himmelstrand: The Family Crisis in Sweden

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws" (Tacitus)

Vitally Important Public Issues

Shocking revelations about human rights
abuses in Sweden and Scandinavia

Please read about the cruel government destruction of
this innocent Swedish homeschooling family above

Read the terrible story of British national Anne Edner ...
one of thousands of state-abducted children in Sweden
See our Politics Page to find out what's going on...

"Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State" (Italian Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini - he would have approved of the trends of contemporary 21st century Swedish statism)

"The most dangerous politicians depend on the Great Lie. Once the Great Lie has been ingested, it readily and rapidly grows into doctrine. Then a political preference becomes a religion, its champion a demigod and any aberration heresy. The politician excuses himself for abominations because he has seen the way clear to that shining city upon a hill. He has a duty to follow that path and to shepherd or lash others onto it for their own good. The Great Lie is just this: one day, time will stop...for Marxists, [it is] the Worker State, for romancers, the Happy Ever After, for buyers of cosmetics, Eternal Youth, for childish idealism, John Lennon's Magic Roundabout Elysium where there are no countries, no religions (and hence, presumably, no customs or loyalties) and all the people live (half-)life in peace...It is, of course, irresponsible gibberish. It serves only to make life's rich and only occasionally disgusting stew...appear unsatisfactory and affords nearly infinite power to the man with the hastily scrawled treasure map...The leaps of faith whereby these were turned into the Great Lie, however, initiated centuries of totalitarianism and intolerance...As for Lennon's brutal nightmare world, by what grotesque means is its survival for more than a split second to be assured? Brutal regimentation and compulsory unisexing, I assume" (Nigel Farage, MEP, in Fighting Bull, pp.232-233)

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Last updated on 13 July 2011