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    A Sixth Vision:
    The End of Christian Polygamy
    or a New Beginning?
    (13 January 2020)


    Eighteen years have passed since God spoken to me in a vision about polygamy. The last time was in 2002. The following year my family and I closed down this very active, busy ministry that had been at its peak from 1998 to 2003. I did not put this website back online until 2016 both to make it available again and to explain why we had been absent for so long (see The New Królewiec Family: The Story Continues Thirteen Years On and Endings: HEM Report for 2016-18), what had happened in the meantime, and why we weren't planning to re-open the ministry again in its old format either now or in the future. Back then it was known as FICP.

    I spoke of a new focus in our family, of all the changes following the persecution by both anti-polygamist enemies generally and those hostile within the polygamy movement itsef (usually those opposed to holiness or eternal marriage), and the faithlessness of wives we had experienced, and of the renewed hope we felt with the final arrival of my seventh and most recent wife. This ended tragically in 2019 when she converted to another faith during a long separation caused by immigration problems, and decided to abandon our family like four others before her (see Zyta in Ukraine: A Last Will & Testament.

    This was for me the last straw that, as it were, 'broke the camel's back'. I lost the will to pursue this calling in any shape, size or form other than to be true to my two remaining, loyal wives and, together with them and our children, to focus exclusively on evangelism and raising the family we had. I concluded that, (a) there was nothing more to be done as far as Christian/Messianic polygamy was concerned and, (b) that the banner for this principle would have to be taken up again by the next and hopefully more worthy generation.

    An Unpromising Restoration

    Very early in the morning of 13 January 2020 I was in intense prayer to Yahweh expressing my sorrows and doubts about the wisdom of pursuing this lifestyle in a hedonistic and neo-pagan age, wondering about the seemingly many wasted years and the apparent meaninglessness and pointlessness of it all given the carnage caused by the Wild West of Christian Polygamy in the late 20th century. There are a lot of wounded and scarred practitioners in need of deep healing - not just husbands and wives but some of their children too. Indeed, I know of one woman so damaged by the breakup of her father's family - a leader in the polygamy movement who abandoned three of his four wives and their children - that she is undergoing gender reassignment surgery. It's an absolute tragedy. And though the hostility and prejudice of the world (and 'Christians' too) must shoulder a heavy amount of responsibility for this state of affairs, the polygamists themselves have in most cases been their own worst enemies and contributed to their own woes.

    The modern record of this lifestyle has frankly not been praiseworthy when viewed as a whole, whilst not denigrating those few families who have undoubedly done well and honoured God by their faithfulness. I even started doubting the extensive theology on this website for a while, and especially the doctrine of eternal marriage as I had, by this time, and based on the experiences I had had, no wish to pursue this lifestyle in the resurrection. The traditional orthodox doctrine of there being no marriage in the hereafter had become, rightly or wrongly, increasingly more attractive to me. I wondered, as I think many polygamists who have walked through the fire do, whether it had all been worth it.


    As I honestly wrestled with these matters, being willing to do whatever God wanted, and to radically change direction if needs be, being prepared to admit I had been wrong, going public about it, and starting all over again even in this late time in my life, an intense vision suddenly opened before me.

      I found myself in a very large valley in the middle of an intensely wintery scene. The sky was grey, heavy with snow. On either side were two long snow-covered chains of mountains and in the valley between them was this extensive flat plain that looked like a frozen lake or river with a thin layer of snow on top of it. It was very cold, the scenery monotenous to behold as there was no colour but white and grey everywhere, and the snow-covered frozen river seemed to extend forever ahead of me, though in truth I couldn't see very hard ahead, and in any case my head was mostly bowed as I concentrated, devoting what energy I had into actually keeping moving.

      I was wearing cross-country skis and was making my way quite briskly over the surface in this single direction. I could only see my thick winter bubble trousers and thick boots attached to the skiis. With a pair of ski poles to aid propulsion. I was steadily moving forwards and did not pause. I knew that there was a destination but I had no idea what it was. I also knew I was completely alone, except for God. I knew both during the vision and afterwards when it had ended and I was meditating on its meaning, that this represented what I was both feeling and doing at this time in my life, keeping going with my eyes on Christ and not paying much attention to anything else for that was all I could do with the little energy I had left. Mostly I was looking down at the snow a few meters ahead of me. I had been doing this for a very long time.

      As I wondered how this would end, everything around me suddenly changed. The ice and snow were gone. The sky was blue and sunny. The mountains on either side were green with vegetation and I found myself on this intensely blue river but this time I was wearing water skis and moving forwards very fast indeed in a cloud of spray. I was also being pulled by something immensely powerful in front of me, to which I was attached by a rope, and though I assumed it was a motorboat, in reality I could not see, nor did I know, what it was as there was no sound except for the splashing water. All I know was that it was really powerful, so the feeling was one of exhilaration as no effort was required on my part except to maintain my course and keep focussed ahead, keeping the rope I was holding onto taught. And then the vision ended.

    I knew then that absolutely everything was beyond my personal control and that as far as my life and this lifestyle were concerned, all I had to do was keep faith and keep my eyes on Christ, and Yahweh, the Eternal Father, would arrange everything else. I knew that the mountains on either side, bounding the river, represented the commandments, and that the river was somehow related to the "Pure River of Water of Life" (Rev.22:1), and that the rope was the Rope of Covenant (6 Abr.4:65) All my effort was now directed to remaining upright, holding on, and keeping a clear vision, keeping the commandments, and above all, keeping faith.

    A Word for the Faithful Patriarchs and Their Wives

    For those of you who have authentically been called into plural marriage, who are fully trusting in and committed to Christ, being obedient to the commandments, and have survived quite possibly very difficult times indeed, including (commonly) loss of family (wives and children) and the heartbreak that that brings, the message is to keep going, don't give up, and give your whole life to Christ unreservedly. Keep faith, hold onto true principles, walk in a way pleasing to God, and be satisfied with what you have now, living for that, trusting Him to order the future.

    This is a very hard lifestyle - and let's be honest, it is very hard for both men and women alike. It is not first and foremost about, or for, us personally, but for Him - for His glory, like everything else in the Gospel. It challenges the flesh like nothing else. It's supposed to be a living representation or picture of the Messianic Marriage of the Messiah, the perfect bond or union between Messiah and His plural bride, the saints. It figures - or ought to - that only those who have this lifestyle worked out are the ones called to sacrificially lead 12-tribed Messianic Israel under Christ in the very last days and into the Millennium. It's the 'stuff' of what the 144,000 are made of, the backbone of the Body of Christ, separating men from mice, and women from kittens. It makes strong godly men and strong women, and drives the rest away.

    Who Should Be Pursuing This Lifestyle?

    Yahweh has very specific purposes in Isaiah 4:1 being fulfilled and it is not for our entertainment, amusement or carnal pleasure. Polygamy is not just an 'alternative' lifestyle - an 'extra' for the adventurous. And it definitely is not a 'game' or an 'option'. It is only for the truly surrendered overcomers in Christ. Moreover - and this is something most carnal polygamously-minded men refuse to accept, and you can tell by the way they pursue this lifestyle like drooling dogs feverishly digging up a clandestinely buried bone - it is not for any man to "take hold of" seven women, but - and please note this well - for the seven women to "take hold of [the] one man" themselves. They are the pursuers, which no carnal woman ever would be, for in her 'natural', fleshy state she would only ever want one man for herself. Even though the husband-to-be will become the head, he is not the driver of this pursuit, because very, very few truly spiritual men, havhing an inkling of the rigour and sacrifice required by true biblical polygamy, would even want this lifestyle. And once carnal men get polygamy on the brain, they can usually think of nothing else, to the exclusion or demotion of Christ on their list of priorities. And it's not even about having Christ 'first' or 'second' - He demands ALL! So the only men who crave polygamy tend to have all the wrong motives and are merely seeking a legitimate, lawful way to have more oats in their bowl. What a rude awakening Fido is in for.

    Wrong Reasons for Trying Out Polygamy

    This is not about 'bringing polygamy to the churches' either (as one ministry has set as its goal) because the churches will never accept it. The 'churches' are part of the old world order that has to die. Nor is it about egotistical alpha-men coming out of a gangland mindset, with more hormones than brains, building up their own private 'kingdoms' to polish their swagger, for whom 'extra women' are but symbols of greater macho prowess and a snub to their rivals. Nor is it about women wanting to be taken care of, or to free them up for personal ambition and career while other wives take care of their children (even if the lifestyle does enable personally satisfying divisions of labour) without taking responsibility and working hard for the good of the whole family and the messianic community.

    The Kingdom-Builders

    Holy Echad Marriage - true biblical polygamy - is about Kingdom-building - God's Kingdom (not private denominations with private agendas, private sanhedrins, private canons, private followings, etc.), the establishment of "the mountain of Yahweh's temple...in the last days" to which "all nations will stream" (Isaiah 2:2, NIV) because they see the love, harmony and peace which the world and the fallen churches failed to give to them. This principle is but a facet of a much bigger 'project' involving the complete restoration of the Father's "ways so that we may walk in His paths".

    Mistaking Plural Marriage for What It was Not Designed

    Plural marriage is not the main thing - it does not exist for itself, but it is definitely an important qualification for the leadership that must be raised for the Last Great Exodus. It is not , as some falsely represent it, an essential for all true believers, even if all true believers should accept it as a true principle from God. The 'fullness' that requiries it is not for every individual family but for some in the Body. Such glory as it undoubtedly btings is therefore to be enjoyed corporately, not by individual patriarchs. Most who have tried to practice plural marriage in the last couple of decades were never called into it in the first place and have become the authors of family disaster and misery. And most who were called have failed in their calling because they were too carnal, too disobedient, and became waylaid by personal ambition, often succumbing to the meatmarket mentality, not being content with what God originally gave them and greedily wanting more than they could in actuality manage.

    Multiplication Mania

    All must be careful what they try to multiply, be it horses, wives or gold (Dt.17:16-17). King David was given his wives by Yahweh (2 Sam.12:8), he did not go hunting for them in internet malls. They came to him of their own accord as he occupied himself with Kingdom service. Truly, "many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt.22:14, KJV). a lesson that must be learned in the brutality of the real world. They must have a heart like David - a chastened and submitted David, not the wild-blooded one who opened a Pandora's Box of sin, death and misery when his lustful eye fell on a naked married woman.

    Limited Ministry Again

    For my part, I am prepared, as Yahweh wills, to slowly ease myself back into this ministry again but not remotely in the same way as I did 20 years ago and certainly not with the same lawless crowd whom I regard as a 'fellowship of disgrace' (the few close friends excepted). I reserve the right to filter out and ignore the riff raff and to focus on families fully committed to Christ and the Kingdom with an established track record, or who are sincere seekers, and at my own discretion. I will only deal with those who have learned the Echad way through the hard knocks of life and who stand before the Father with broken hearts and contrite spirits (Ps.34:18; 51:17) ready to serve King and Kingdom with all their might under proper discipline. I am not interested in the 'poly wannabees' or those who think themselves as being 'entitled' in any way - immature men for whom polygamy goes to their heads and who think they're the cat's whiskers simply because they have a Y-chromosome in their nucleoplasm, or carnal women who think they should be 'compensated' for sharing their husband by being put up on a pedistal or because modern culture says they are superior to men and should rule. I'll not even acknowledge such people other than to rebuke them and send them on their way. And I will, of course, prioretise those wanting to join the main ministry.

    The End of Cowboy Polygamy

    The lawless cowboy polygamy - 'Christian', 'Messianic', or otherwise - of earlier years rightly stands condemned before the Throne and is permanently, I am glad to say, over, and if anyone will not let go of it, Heaven will let go of them. There is no place for it amongst genuine believers. I certainly never want anything to do with it again or with anyone involved in it.

    Of That Which is to Come

    We shall see what God does in the coming years but one thing is certain. He will be the 'motorboat', not us, and He will not 'pull' anyone whose life is not governed by righteousness in covenant. In the meantime, we must keep going and not lose sight of the goal and what Holy Echad Marriage is ultimately for. I hope this will encourage the remnant who have faithfully clung on and are now looking for vindication and encouragement. It won't be too long now before you will be summonsed by the King for service once more.

    Author: SBSK

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    First created on 13 January 2020
    Updated on 14 January 2020

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