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The 12 Books of Abraham

    Kasia's Corner 26

    A Song for My Sister

    I have rendered Miss Celie's Blues from the film called The Color Purple because when I heard it I was reminded of a certain sister whom, although I am not sure she will be part of our family, I still care for. I would like to give her this song as a gift. No matter what choices she makes, I want her to know that she is precious and that I would be celebrating it if she decides to come, Yahweh willing..

    In order to hear it, just turn your sound on and you will hear it song in the background (N.B. It may take a minute to download as it is quite a large file - be patient, please!)

    Sister, you've been on my mind
    Sister, we're two of a kind
    So, sister, I am keeping my eye on you.

    I bet you think I am a young'n
    And blind or naïve, oh, sister
    have I got news for you, I'm something
    I hope you think that you're something too

    Sure thing I been down that lane of doubt
    And I seen how my light then went down
    Oh, but trust me
    No-o low life's gonna run me around

    So let me tell you something sister,
    Remember your God, no twister
    Gonna steal your stuff away, my sister
    We sure ain't got a whole lot of time,
    So-o-o turn to Yahweh sister,
    'Cause, honey, the Spirit's calling home.

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    Author: KMK

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    First created on 9 June 2003
    Updated on 8 August 2016

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