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The 12 Books of Abraham

    Kasia's Corner 20

    What Godly Wives
    Hold Dear

    First of all in a godly wife's heart is Yahweh. She loves His Law or Torah, the life He has given her and the principles He lets her life be built on. All she does is in reference to Him, when she discovers truth, she rejoices in Him, and even if she makes mistakes it is Him she seeks for guidance and forgiveness.

    A life without Yahweh is not life at all to a lady like that. She studies the Bible to discover more of Yahweh's nature, and she applies His word as a reference to determine truth. She is thrilled when she is moved by the Holy Spirit and her heart leaps when she witnesses others being moved in the same way. She seeks to gather all closer to her Father, and mourns if they refuse. She is aware of her wealth that she has been given without having deserved it, and loves her Saviour who gave her all she has. Her song is abundant she loves to give Him praise.

    After Yahweh, her heart belongs to her husband, in Him. Their unity is His making and she guards it. She constantly seeks to understand and support him, she wishes to share all with him. She works hard to create a home in which he will thrive and relax. She treasures his presence and harbours his thoughts, opinions and insights. She wishes for him to constantly draw closer to Yahweh, and rejoices in his progress, which she realizes is their progress. If their marriage includes sister-wives, they are also part of this unity, and she cannot rest until all are progressing in their walk towards their Father in heaven and His Son. She seeks unity in her home and fights division.

    A godly woman's children are her God-given responsibility and work for Him, she knows that their value cannot be counted. They are her crown, and she has no stronger wish than to keep them in Yahweh's love and that they shall seek His path. She yearns to upbuild them, and she seeks Yahweh's guidance to keep on His track for their sake also. She knows that her stewardship is to show them how to know Yahweh on this earth and to give them the best possible environment to learn about and feel His love.

    Such a woman will always seek to care for and guide all the people Yahweh puts in her life so that they can learn to know her Father also, and she seeks to learn more about Him through those who love Him too. She is compassionate and willing to serve. She displays the fruits of the Spirit, and whether she is hated or loved, she seeks Yahweh's love and yearns to share it, always!

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    Author: KMK

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    First created on 17 June 2002
    Updated on 7 August 2016

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