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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    The Letter of
    Judith to Biyqah

    Chapter 1

    1. Beloved Biyqah, firstborn of my flesh, daughter of Abram of the Holy City of Salem, hearken unto these the words of thy mother before thou art taken into the bosom of thy Father Yahweh whose dwelling place is in the stars:

    2. May the Name of our Father Yahweh be praised, and His Messiah whom He shall send, and my lord Abram, thy father, for their goodness, mercy and loving-kindness have ever dwelt in my heart and brought forth a daily harvest of joy!

    3. Most blessed of wives and mothers am I and overflowing is the praise in My heart for the Elohim of our fathers who hath brought me daughters so fair and true.

    4. But because we must be separated, this being the will of our Father Yahweh, it behooves me to leave this written testimony unto thee;

    5. And even though we shall commune always through the Spirit of our Father Yahweh, yet I leave this record for thee and thy posterity, which is the counsel of a mother in Zion.

    Chapter 2

    1. I have often thought of this day when I would be separated from my daughters, yea, thou and thy sisters, and my heart hath been stretched and my soul hath cried out.

    2. For ye are bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh, and your breath hath ever been near me from the day Elohim sent you unto me.

    3. But whenever the tears have come unto mine eyes, the grace of our Father Yahweh hath dried them up and taught me concerning true spiritual communion.

    4. For my daughter, thou art a companion unto me, and I unto thee, in the pure bonds of the love of Messiah.

    5. Nevertheless our companionship, and our closeness, and our warmth, that hath ever been betwixt us, is not built upon time and space, but upon the holy love of the Messiah, which knoweth no time or space, but which is everywhere in every time and portion of space, save where the evil ones are cast into.

    6. And I have understood also that the love of a mother and her daughter in the Messiah is a shadow of the love of the heavenly Firstborn, and that Elohim giveth unto us children that we may learn to receive and to surrender;

    7. And surrendering we receive back again in everlasting supply.

    8. Therefore I thank our Father Yahweh that He gave thee unto me for a short season, yea, and thy sisters also, that being so firmly knit unto thee I might learn to release thee and thus receive thee back again.

    9. What can I say of my love for thee, beloved Biyqah? for thou knowest in the silence and stillness of the Light of Messiah, that I love thee.

    10. And it is my heart-felt prayer that every deed I have done is a witness of the love I feel for thee, and shall feel for thee, for ever and ever.

    11. Thou, my Biyqah, art a mother also, and the Elohim of our fathers hath blessed thee with many sons and daughters, for which I praise His Name!

    12. Yet thou hast yet to learn the lesson of separation and what it is to sacrifice at the veil of the Firstborn;

    13. Therefore I write a few words unto thee that thou mayest know of the choices that thou must face, yea, even in that world to which thou shalt be sent.

    14. Now the days shall come, and are not far off, when thine eldest children shall go unto their father, saying: 'Father, we desire to be wed, and have chosen our eternal companions. Therefore bless us, we pray thee, that we may enter into the mystery of holy matrimony and bring forth our own seed, unto the glory of Almighty Elohim!'

    15. And they shall take unto themselves husbands and wives, and leave the home of their youth and build up their own homes in the Holy City.

    16. Yea, and thou wilt sorrow for their companionship for a short season as they give themselves over to their spouses and to their little ones.

    17. But by the by thou wilt come to a remembrance of the covenants thou madest in the temple of El Elyon, and the keys which thou received of the patriarchs and matriarchs concerning sacrifice thou wilt be able to turn.

    18. Therefore thy sorrow shall melt away and thou wilt rejoice in the greater vision of love, and of the greater purpose of all creation, which is to continually multiply and replenish the Father Yahweh's worlds.

    19. And thou wilt behold that thy love for thy married children hath become transformed into something even more holy and beautiful;

    20. And thou wilt have no desire to possess them but wilt release them with joy into the secure arms of El Elyon, who taketh care of His own, even they who will love and obey Him all the days of their lives.

    21. Therefore thou wilt be free; yea, and thou wilt comprehend many things that pen and paper cannot speak, but which thou shalt be taught by the Holy Spirit of Love.

    22. Now when a woman leaveth home and surrendereth herself into the arms of her husband, her horizons change and she seeth with new eyes.

    23. She matureth and what she misseth to begin with when she leaveth her home she soon forgetteth in the newness of the love of her husband.

    24. For Yahweh-Elohim giveth her a new vision and she seeth as a spiritual mother and a wife; therefore she comprehendeth her earthly mother as never before and becometh, by degrees, her equal in the Messiah.

    25. For rememberest thou what I taught thee, my daughter, that all those who are true and faithful unto the Great and High Elohim become the sons and daughters, and the fathers and mothers, of all the Firstborn?

    26. And rememberest thou the orphans of the martyrs whom we took into our home, and who dwelt with us?

    27. Were they not our sons and daughters also? Yea, and though they were not of the flesh of thy father and thy mother, they became their sons and daughters by obedience to the covenants of El Elyon.

    28. Therefore they are thy brothers and sisters like unto thy sisters after the flesh.

    29. Therefore I admonish thee to remember, wherever the Elohim of Heaven and of Earth shall send thee, whether to this orb or to that one, that thou rememberest this lesson.

    30. For as a servant of the Holy City thou, and thy husband, and those who are with him in the covenant, will be sent to other worlds to administer the Word of salvation;

    31. Yea, and thou wilt adopt into thy family children from other worlds who were dispossessed of their parents by the evil one.

    32. Take them into thy bosom, I beseech thee, and treat them as thine own flesh, for they are all of the offspring of our Father Yahweh and beloved of Him.

    33. And now I give unto thee a commandment, even as my lord and thy father Abram hath commanded all his family, that thou lovest all the children of thy husband Benaiah without favour, showing no partiality.

    34. And thou shalt love the children of every patriarch, great and small, with the same affection and impartiality as if they were thine own.

    35. And this thou hast been commanded to do with all people in the Holy City, and even those whom thou wilt mingle with in other worlds according to the good will of the Father of Lights.

    36. Read the commandments upon the temple walls often and burn them into thy heart, Biyqah, and thou wilt never stumble; but the Father of Lights shall be as a beacon to thy soul.

    Chapter 3

    1. Now I would speak a few words unto thee concerning Elohim's Temple which thou hast known since a child.

    2. Purify thy lips with the fire of love before thou enterest; and if thou doest this, thou wilt be speechless, for thou wilt know the awe of El Elyon.

    3. Let your breath be your worship unto Him, and let the heavenly tunes within thy breast be thy song.

    4. Learn of love, for its lessons never end.

    5. Love is infinitely deep; stoop down to scoop it up as water from the deep wells of Salem.

    6. Strive for humility and self-abasement and thou wilt never be empty of Elohim's love.

    7. Surrender unto His love without questions, even as thou surrenderest unto thy husband Benaiah, and thy father Abram, and question them not.

    8. For they are in Elohim; and she who surrenderest unto a man who is fully in the covenant, whether her husband, or her father, obtaineth the love of Elohim.

    9. Obey thy lords Noah and Shem all the days of thy life, for they are set over thee as thy spiritual guardians, and are the gatekeepers of the temple and the guardians of the keys of life.

    10. Obey every true and righteous principle, for whosoever obeyeth the truth, obeyeth the Messiah, who is the Truth. And whosever obeyeth Messiah obeyeth the Father, and is justified, and abideth in peace.

    11. Long for thy husband even as I, thy mother, have longed for thy father Abram, to be fully knitted together with him in the mystery of the Firstborn.

    12. Let nothing quench thy love; rather, all that is of Elohim shall enhance thy love, and not compete with it.

    13. By this key thou wilt know true love, my daughter, for true love robbeth no one.

    14. Let thy hands be light, gentle, and inviting; enfold every soul in the light of holiness.

    15. Meditate often when thou art alone, that your thoughts and your feelings may always be in praise for Elohim and His Messiah.

    16. Meditate on that which is small, and thou wilt comprehend the large.

    17. But if thou meditatest on that which is large thou wilt be confounded.

    18. For it is in the dewdrop that thou wilt understand the lake; and in the lake thou wilt understand the sea.

    19. Dream only of that which Elohim hath promised otherwise thou wilt be disappointed.

    20. For whatsoever is not the will of Elohim cannot bring joy.

    21. As thy gifts multiply, so too shall thy bosom friends in the covenant, for every new gift is a door into the soul of the receiver of the gift.

    22. Remember, that every gift of Elohim is the property of the whole community, and was given not for one, but for many.

    23. Therefore do not hoard that which El Elyon giveth unto thee, but give it unto all.

    24. If thou hast no dreams or desires, then beware, for thou hast cut off the Light of Messiah.

    25. Dream and desire but not unto idleness, and see that thou dreamest in Yahweh.

    26. For beauty is in the heart, but truth is in the hands of the Zion's workers.

    27. But what is beauty without truth? Or truth without beauty? See, my daughter, that what is in thy heart findeth expression in thy works, or thy longing and desire is in vain.

    28. All else is slavery.

    Chapter 4

    1. And now I write unto thee a few words about marriage, for marriage is either life or death.

    2. And I write these things both whilst thou dwellest in the Holy City and for the day when thou art without, even as I, thy mother, have been without, and have had to learn the lessons of mortality in an evil world.

    3. For do not suppose, my child, that when thou hast been taken up from this world that thou wilt forever dwell in the womb of the Holy City, for as I have told thee, and thy father hath told thee, Elohim will send thee out to minister, even as he hath sent Abram, my lord and thy father.

    4. By this means thou wilt learn more concerning opposition, and until thou hast experienced opposition apart from the peace and wholeness of a Holy City, thou wilt never grow in the strength of Elohim.

    5. For when thou dwellest in the Light, as thou doth in the Holy City, how canst thou tell thyself apart from the Light?

    6. For in the Light, thou art the Light, even as when Messiah abideth within thee, thou art the mind, heart, voice and hands of Messiah.

    7. Therefore beware, lest vanity overtake thee in the day thou art sent forth out of the Holy City to minister in the world.

    8. For such a one may be tempted to say: 'Behold, I am a light to people upon the path of life!'

    9. But rather seek to make thy way through the light of saints and of sinners, for by this means is El Elyon brought nearer to them, and to thee.

    10. For whatsoever thou ministereth unto others, thou ministereth unto thy self, through Messiah who dwelleth in thee.

    11. Whatsoever thou teachest unto others, is taught unto thee also.

    12. Therefore is it more blessed to give than to receive, for in giving thou receivest the greater part of Light.

    13. And these lessons, beloved daughter, thou wilt learn in the bosom of thy husband and his household, for it is in the patriarchal order of marriage that true servanthood is learned and applied.

    14. And this I have learned also, which lesson I impart unto thee in words that thou mayest remember them in the hour of thy need:

    15. Forgive others of the wrongs they have done and thou wilt be forgiven of the wrongs thou hast done by thy Father Yahweh in Heaven.

    16. Forgive others of the wrongs they have not done and thou wilt thus forgive thyself of the wrongs thou hast done.

    17. Great is the mystery of these words, beloved Biyqah, but greater still are the blessings that come when they are obeyed!

    18. Never accuse thy husband, neither lift a harsh word against him, for thou thus dishonourest him and breakest the covenant.

    19. Do not accuse nor attack, but instruct in mildness and humility.

    20. And if thou wouldst do this, learn godly patience.

    21. Let everything thou sayest be like unto the melodies of the temple choirs, that whether thou blessest or correctest, thy words are a celestial melody.

    22. Holy strictness is beauty, and though not seen as such at first, is eventually understood when others see that thy love diminisheth not but groweth daily greater.

    23. Therefore thy children will love thee and call thee blessed, and thy husband will bless thee in the council of the elders and amongst the patriarchs of the City.

    24. Consider, doth the song of the gurgling brooks of Salem end on the stones upon which the water breaketh, or within thy heart?

    25. Therefore consider every word and every action, for if they are not carried away in the hearts of thy children and those whom thou instructest, of what profit are they?

    26. Imitate not the women of the world who idle their time in chatter and every manner of foolishness, whose words vanish once they have been spoken, leaving only empty and cold hearts.

    27. But let every word be a song of redemption and a tower of strength that blesseth the Messiah and bringeth glory unto His Name.

    28. Then thou wilt be loved by all, and in being loved, wilt never be lonely in thy heart, whether thy beloved ones are near or far.

    29. Whenever thou goest unto thy husband, let this be in thy mind and in thy heart.

    30. Now behold, thy mind will oft rebell against thy soul as thou walkest the path of perfection in Messiah, and it will trouble thee, as the east wind troubleth the crops of the field.

    31. Now the Firstborn are they who obey the higher law even when their mind rebels.

    32. And those who are not of the Firstborn, and who cannot enter the Holy City, revolt against that which the higher soul of man obeyeth.

    33. Now revolt is good, my daughter, provideth thou revoltest not against the things of Elohim.

    34. Blessed is the man who revolteth against earthly things but obeyeth the heavenly!

    35. But the fool obeyeth the changing things of the earth, and scorneth that which is heavenly.

    36. Therefore obey the Law of the Most High in weak moments when thy mind rebelleth, and the spirit of obedience will awaken the spirit of love and will utterly wash away thy rebellion.

    37. These things I know to be true, for I have wrestled with every passion and have discovered their whereabouts.

    38. I have listened to every thought of the mind, and know their ways.

    39. And I have listened to the law of Elohim, and I have found them to be true.

    40. Therefore be wise, Biyqah, and obey the Spirit of Messiah when thy mind and thy heart rebell.

    Chapter 5

    1. The heart of a worldly man hath many doors and he will open any door upon which a woman knocketh.

    2. But the heart of a man of Elohim hath only one door and he will only open it if the love of Messiah cometh knocking.

    3. Therefore come unto thy husband Benaiah with the love of Messiah or thou wilt not gain entrance in.

    4. And if he openeth not when thou comest with false love, do not revile him in thy heart when others come with pure love and he openeth, but repent before the Most High and ask him to give thee a right heart.

    5. Do not make excuses when thou hast not been obedient, but in silence do that which thou oughtest to have done.

    6. When others falsely accuse thee of wrong-doing, let your defence be the silence of a holy conscience, and the radiance of the warmth of heaven.

    7. Explain in calmness and love to those who will listen, but to those whose ears, and heart, and eyes, and mind, are closed, say nothing, but depart in peace, and leave them to the buffetings of Satan.

    8. Thou canst not take milk from sheep nor wool from cows; see, then, that thou requirest nothing of thy sister which she cannot do, since thou hast been set over them.

    9. Expect not from thy husband that which he cannot give or has not been commanded to give, but receive in joy that which he doth give, both the great and the small.

    10. Come unto him expecting nothing but ready to give everything.

    11. Then when he givest unto thee, thou wilt tremble like a little bird and thrill as a child who receiveth a gift from his father.

    12. In this way thou wilt be happy with him whether he giveth thee little or much;

    13. For there will be times when he is weary and cannot give thee of his body, but will give thee of his spirit or his heart or his mind.

    14. Thy husband hath many gifts which he desireth to give unto thee.

    15. Therefore when thou comest unto him, come not expecting one thing or the other, but receive whatsoever he giveth unto thee in Yahweh.

    16. For I know that Benaiah is like unto thy father Abram, that he never cometh without a gift, whether it be of his spirit, or of his mind, or of his heart, or of his body, or any combination thereof. Nevertheless they are different; therefore let Benaiah be Benaiah, and Abram be Abram.

    17. Rejoice, then, in whatever he giveth unto thee, coming prepared to give of all that Yahweh thy Elohim hath given unto thee in order to love him and be his companion.

    18. And this he will understand, if he is of our Order, for he expecteth nothing.

    19. See that thou lovest him only in the Name of Yahweh, and not by thine own name which is the beginning of a fall.

    20. Praise the Father of Lights for everything that ye share, whether in your spirits, or in your minds, or in your hearts, or in your flesh, or in your children, or in the work of the Holy City.

    21. And in all thou doest, remember to be tender and kind.

    22. Do not go unto the bed of thy husband with a sour heart for thou wilt defile his bedchamber and bring a curse upon thy family.

    23. But rather betake thyself to prayer in a secret place and pour out thy soul before Almighty Elohim that thou mayest first receive a gift for him, even if it be just one gift.

    24. And even if thy mind and heart are confused and still need his nurture and strength, fear not, for so long as thou bringest unto him the gift of humility and softness, he will make all things possible for thee.

    25. And remember, what thou doest unto him, thou doest unto all. Therefore all are either blessed or cursed.

    26. Go unto thy husband's bed naked, having washed and perfumed thy whole body, and stand before him before thou liest down with him.

    27. And when he biddest thee come into his bed, go straight unto him, and give of thine all unto him, whether it be in prayer, or in contemplation of the Word of Elohim, or in love-making, or whatever it may be.

    28. And before thou sleepest, kiss his feet as a token of thy blessing upon him that he may walk in every path of righteousness and be protected against stumbling.

    29. Do this, and thou shalt be blessed, and thy time alone with him will be consecrated unto much fruitfulness that will feed thy soul until thou liest with him again.

    Chapter 6

    1. And now I bid thee farewell, my beloved daughter Biyqah, for of words there is no end, and I have said all those things that have rested upon my soul.

    2. Share these words with thy sisters and brothers that they may be blessed by the counsel of their mother.

    3. I commend thee into the hands of the Most Wise and Holy Elohim of Heaven, in His Son, the Messiah, knowing that He will sustain thee all the days of thy life as thou art true and faithful unto Him.

    4. Let thy mouth be filled with blessings and praise always, and let the gentleness of a true mother in Zion ever be the strength of thy soul.

    5. Though we shall not see each other with mortal eyes for many years, yet we shall be one in the holy love of Messiah, who bindeth us all together by the will of the Father.

    6. May holiness, love, and virtue be your constant companions, my sweet daughter, and may you be obedient unto the Law with a perfect faith and humility, for this is the path of salvation.

    7. May the Elohim of our Fathers keep thee, and thy husband, and thy sisters, and thy children, and thy servants, and every soul of the Holy City, until we can once again meet again in the Temple of El Elyon and fall upon each other's necks with the song of eternity on our lips! Farewell, my beloved, until we meet again. Your mother and sister in Messiah,

    Judith, wife of Abram.

    Author: LThE

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    First created on 4 October 1991
    Updated on 14 June 2016

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