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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 65

    3 ABRAHAM 65
    or Judith 57

    Youthfulness in age. Judith discourses on theology and the coming of Messiah

    1. Now our betrothals and marriages in the wilderness are like unto our betrothals and marriages in the Holy City, only these things we do in tents, which become our tabernacle or temple.

    2. Now Dea became betrothed unto our lord Abram in her fourteenth year on account of her great maturity in body, mind and heart.

    3. And she became married unto him in her sixteenth year.

    4. And behold, Dea was the last of those who were exceedingly young to wed our lord Abram.

    5. Now our lord Abram was growing in years, as we also of the Seven were.

    6. Yet he was always young in his heart, and his skin was fresh and supple.

    7. And this was on account of the mystery of the Light of Messiah which doth so powerfully work amongst us, sanctifying even our flesh.

    8. Therefore we are all youthful, for we are in Messiah;

    9. And our hearts age not.

    10. Therefore age mattereth not.

    11. And behold, we know that we must put aside this tent of flesh and return it unto the dust of the earth, unless El Elyon taketh us away, even as He hath taken the Holy City.

    12. And we know that Messiah shall come in human flesh, and overcome it, and transform it into an imperishable tabernacle of glory.

    13. And we know that we shall receive our flesh again in its perfect form.

    14. Therefore the perishable flesh mattereth not unto us, save that we preserve it until it hath run its natural course.

    15. And we know that the spirit is eternal and dieth not, save unto righteousness if a wicked man repenteth not.

    16. Therefore we live after the spirit but press our flesh into service.

    17. Now I, Judith, have been blessed somewhat concerning a knowledge of the mystery of the Messiah.

    18. Therefore I comprehend the works of the flesh, and how that Messiah shall overcome the flesh, and purify it, and make it spiritual.

    19. Therefore hath the ordinance of the Meal of Messiah grown within my soul, to my utter comprehension of it, even unto the rapture of my soul.

    20. And I have written a psalm for the blessing of those who shall come after me, that they may comprehend my most holy devotion:

    21. "This flesh must die that I might live, this seed that shall never bear fruit;

    22. "This flesh of fruit, this bread, this wine of the blood of fruit must first die in me, O Lord Elohim, that I, my own soul, might live.

    23. "So this, in heavenly imagery of Thee, O Elohim, I eat in humble reverence, all bread, and flesh, and seed this day;

    24. "Thus is my every repast respite from the death.

    25. "It speaketh of Thee, Thy sacrifice for me, food of Heaven eternally.

    26. "Bread of Heaven, leaven my soul, blood of the Tree of Life.

    27. "Give me life, seed, grow within this, the living temple of the living Light.

    28. "The sacrifice of the image and the Son of the Father are not in vain.

    29. "Let that which dieth in me liveth in the life I live, eternally. Amen."

    30. Now behold, the Messiah is my Lord of lords, and His glory consumeth me.

    31. And often I sing unto Him alone upon my bed, and in our family, and before the Congregation of El Elyon.

    32. And behold, I, Judith, relate unto you another psalm that El Elyon hath given unto me, that I may bear eternal witness of the Messiah, who is, and was, and ever shall be my Redeemer:

    33. "Living Sword, Thou flaming Word of Truth, Thou cuttest asunder all who are divided.

    34. "But unto they who are whole in Thee, their hearts, flaming with Thy Spirit, are open scabbards unto Thee.

    35. "Thrust into us, O gently thrust, Thy Living Being.

    36. "Empty we are without Thee, Holy Word;

    37. "But if Thou fill us, we are but part of Thee.

    38. "Thy thrust woundeth double-minded souls, but we are healed of our yearning;

    39. "And we yield unto Thy Living Self which Thou doest wield."

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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