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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    11 Abraham
    The Book of the Passion
    of Haguth and Sabea

    Continued from 10 Abraham

    Chapter 1

    1. Sabea saith: 'O sweet sister-wife, Haguth, beloved of our lord Abram, and most blessed of El Elyon, the Most High One:

    2. 'Counsel me in the path of graciousness, that I may imitate thee and possess thy shining countenance;

    3. 'For it is plain unto me that thou walkest with the Most High and understandest much that I comprehend not.'

    4. Haguth said unto her: 'Beloved sister-wife, Sabea, I share the same table as thee, and the same bed, and the same walk, and the same covering over the heart of our lord Abram, and yet thou askest me for that which thou already hast?

    5. 'What can I give unto thee that thou hast not already dipped thy finger into?

    6. 'What chamber of understanding can I lead thee unto that thou hast not already entered into?

    7. 'What ordinance of Light have I passed through that thou hast not also passed through?

    8. 'My lover is thine, my Elohim is thine, my teacher is thine.

    9. 'Therefore what more can I give unto thee, O blossom in the hand of our lord Abram?'

    10. Sabea paused and said: 'I cannot match the eloquence of thy words, nor the wisdom that cometh with maturity.

    11. 'Thou hast verily spoken the truth, O beloved of our lord Abram, and exalted of the Neshamah haQodesh, for I know that I partake of the same fountain as thee, and pluck the same fruit of the Tree of Life.

    12. 'And yet I am a child who seeketh guidance, that I may be one with thee, even as thou art one with Abram.

    13. 'For is it not written that we are one another's keepers - to love, teach, serve and bless?

    14. 'Therefore I beseech thee, to one who hath much wisdom, to teach me as our lord Abram teacheth thee.'

    15. Haguth said unto her: 'Every seed of truth lieth before thee, but that seed hath no life until thou hast planted it within thine own soul.

    16. 'But in order to possess the wisdom that each seed of Light beareth, thou must first release it.

    17. 'The farmer guardeth the best seed until the season to plant it cometh.

    18. 'But when that season cometh, he must yield it into the ground where worm and bird may per chance destroy it.

    19. 'Wisdom cometh not without faith, even the faith to surrender that which is most precious, not knowing whether it will return or not.

    20. 'Therefore our father Noah released the dove from the ark of safety, not knowing whether it would return.

    21. 'By faith he released the dove, and by faith he was rewarded with the knowledge that dry land was to be found.

    22. 'And the sign of this knowledge was the olive sprig, which is the sign of the Neshamah haQodesh.

    23. 'For the knowledge of the Most High Elohim is an anointing of the Spirit, even the Spirit of Yahweh.'

    24. Sabea said unto her: 'If the Lord Elohim of Heaven and Earth hath given every seed of truth unto man, how shall we find it, and plant it, and nurchure it to full maturity and fruitfulness?'

    25. Haguth said unto her: 'Every seed-bearing tree is in the Garden of Yahweh, which is in Eden, and may be found today.'

    26. Sabea said unto her: 'How so, beloved sister-wife, since the Garden of Eden is no more?'

    27. Haguth said unto her: 'The Garden of our first parents remaineth in the east, sweet sister-wife, yea, and every tree also, as also the four headwaters that water it.'

    28. But Sabea was perplexed and said unto her: 'How can this be so, beloved sister-wife, since the Garden of our first parents was destroyed in the great deluge?'

    29. Haguth said unto her: 'That which is perfect, even the abode of the Most High, cannot be destroyed.

    30. 'It abideth forever.

    31. 'Hath not Yahweh our Elohim taken away other Gardens also?

    32. 'For behold, He took unto Himself the Garden of Enoch, even the City of Enoch, yea, and all its inhabitants.

    33. 'And it abideth in the Eternal World above, and can never be destroyed.

    34. 'And did He not also take the Garden of Salem, even the City of Melchizedek?

    35. 'And doth not this city abide in the Paradise of the Most High One?'

    36. Now Sabea knew many of these things, but she did not comprehend them unto the fullness.

    37. Sabea said unto her: 'Since we are cut off from these Gardens, which are One Garden, even the Paradise of the Most High, how then shall we obtain the seeds therefrom that we might plant them?'

    38. Haguth said unto her: 'The Garden of Eden and its seeds are here, and yet the Garden is not here.'

    39. Therefore was Sabea perplexed again.

    40. Haguth said unto her: 'In the beginning the Most High made all living things, and they covered the whole earth.

    41. 'When He planted a garden in Eden, did He make new seeds or did He obtain them from His earlier work of creation?'

    42. Sabea answered, saying: 'From the earlier work of creation, for the Most High rested after the six days and created no more.'

    43. Haguth said unto her: 'It is so. Yahweh-Elohim, the Most High, took the seeds of the trees upon the earth which had been fruitful and, behold, He planted them with His own hand.

    44. 'Yea, He took the seed of every tree that was good for food and pleasing unto the eye.

    45. 'Therefore every tree was both beautiful and good for nourishment.

    46. 'But in the centre of the Holy Garden were two chief trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.'

    47. Sabea said unto her: 'If every tree was pleasing unto the eye because of its beauty, and every tree good for food, why was the Tree of Knowledge not good for food?'

    48. Now Haguth was pleased with Sabea's question, and smiled at her, saying:

    49. 'Yahweh-Elohim createth nothing that is evil, belovèd sister-wife;

    50. 'The Tree of Knowledge was good for food and pleasing unto the eye of man.

    51. 'Knowledge is not in itself evil.'

    52. Sabea said unto her: 'If the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not bad, why were our first parents forbidden to eat of its fruits?'

    53. 'And why did our mother Eve say unto the serpent that they could not even touch it?'

    54. Haguth said unto her: 'Knowledge is death unto the children of men.

    55. 'Behold, our lord Abram hath said that to have true knowledge is to have union with that which thou wouldst have knowledge of.

    56. 'Knowledge is union, and union is knowledge.

    57. 'To know good thou must unite with good;

    58. 'To know evil thou must unite with evil.

    59. 'But to know evil is to sin and fall.'

    60. Now Sabea grew silent for a while, and gazed out of the entrance of the tent of Haguth at the many tents in the camp of Abram.

    61. And it came to pass that as she meditated on the words of Haguth that the eyes of her understanding began to open.

    62. Now Haguth saw that her eyes were opening and said unto Sabea: 'What are the trees?'

    63. And Sabea, who was annointed by the Ruach haQodesh said unto her: 'The Tree of Life is the Most High One.

    64. 'And the Tree of Death is Lucifer, the Adversary.

    65. 'And all the other trees are the holy angels and faithful saints who have not been corrupted by the evil one.

    66. 'And on another level of understanding, the Tree of Life is our lord Abram, and all the other trees are our sister-wives.

    67. 'And the Tree of Death is any man or fallen angel that we might turn to in order to obtain glory for ourselves when our life is through our husband, and our husband alone.'

    68. Haguth said unto her: 'Yea, thou hast spoken the truth, beloved sister-wife, and blessed art thou because thou hast seen it.

    69. 'Nevertheless there are many other meanings also.

    70. 'Our family is a garden of souls.

    71. 'Each soul hath a fruit that we may freely eat of, which is good for spiritual food and nourishment.

    72. 'And the eating thereof is by union of spirit, mind, heart and flesh.

    73. 'But what, beloved sister-wife, are the instruments of this union?'

    74. Sabea answered her, saying: 'It is written that union is by the eyes and by the mouth.

    75. 'First we are to see the fruit and desire it; and then we are to eat thereof.'

    76. Haguth said unto her: 'Yea, and we may freely choose.

    77. 'The instruments of union are therefore mind, heart and spirit which see through the eye;

    78. 'And the mouth which uniteth fruit with the whole body when it is eaten.

    79. 'Our lord Abram hath planted a garden by gathering precious seeds, yea, even his wives;

    80. 'And he hath nurtured us that we might bring forth fruit.

    81. 'At the centre of his garden is the Most High Elohim, who is our life.

    82. 'Therefore Yahweh-Elohim is the centre of all that we do.'

    83. Sabea said unto her: 'If the Tree of Life is our lord Abram, and if the other trees are his wives, who, then, are Adam and Eve?'

    84. Haguth said unto her: 'The Garden is a representation of that which is both within and without.

    85. 'It is a representation of Order, for Yahweh hath Himself arranged it.

    86. 'It is a symbol also of the order created by man -

    87. 'If he buildeth it according to the principles of eternal life, so shall it be an eternal Garden.

    88. 'If he buildeth it up according to a knowledge of good and evil, he shall fall, and shall be cast out of his garden, even as the spirit of man shall be cast out of this tabernacle of flesh at death.

    89. 'Every man is a tree, and every man is also a garden.

    90. 'He bringeth forth his own fruits, and the fruits of those trees which he hath planted.

    91. 'We, who are his wives, he hath planted in his garden, to be nourished by his soil.

    92. 'If his soil is good, behold, we will flourish and be fruitful.

    93. 'If his soil is bad, we shall whither and bring forth no fruit.

    94. 'Adam is also a representation of Abram, and Eve of his wives.

    95. 'For Eve is many, being the mother of all the children of men, even as the Ruach haQodesh is many.

    96. 'Now the Tree of Knowledge was made good, for it was the Tree of Knowledge of Good only.

    97. 'And it was a part of the Tree of Life, and yet was separate from it.

    98. 'But Lucifer, in his pride, who was the highest angel of all, exalted himself, and fell, becoming a source of both good and evil, and is represented by the Tree of the same name.

    99. 'To partake of this tree is to become like unto the Adversary, even Satan;

    100. And this Tree standeth in opposition to the Tree of Life.'

    101. Sabea said unto her: 'If knowledge bringeth death, how then shall a man have knowledge of good without perishing?'

    102. Haguth said unto her: 'Life is knowledge, but knowledge is not life.

    103. 'Satan hath knowledge but not life

    104. 'He who partaketh of the Tree of Satan cannot at the same time partake of the Tree of Life, for such a one would then become immortal in sin.'

    105. Sabea said unto her: 'Is there only one kind of knowledge, dear sister-wife?'

    106. Haguth said unto her: 'There are two kinds of knowledge, beloved sister-wife.

    107. 'The first possesseth life, and the second is dead.

    108. 'The first knowledge cometh only through love; the second through the mind.

    109. 'The first is called Wisdom [Hochmah, Ruach haQodesh]; the second hath no name, for it is but wind.

    110. 'She who would know the Most High can only do so through love.

    111. 'Knowledge without love is as an arid desert.'

    112. Now Sabea thought deeply on these words and said unto Haguth:

    113. 'If the Neshamah haQodesh is the mind of the Most High, and is the highest Spirit -

    114. 'And if love is greater than the thoughts of men which lead unto knowledge, why is the Neshamah haQodesh greater than the Ruach haQodesh?'

    115. Haguth said unto her: 'The Father presideth over the Mother, but it is the Mother who revealeth the Father.

    116. 'She is an envellope of love.

    117. 'In the beginning Divine Mind and Divine Love were one and indistinguishable, even as Adam and Eve were one.

    118. 'And He was alone.

    119. 'And so the Most High separated Love from Himself, and so Wisdom [Hochmah] came into being.

    120. 'And this was done again with the first man, Adam, when Eve was made from him.'

    121. Sabea said unto her: 'Is the Father pure Mind?'

    122. Haguth said unto her: 'Nay, the Father is Love.'

    123. And Sabea was perplexed again.

    124. Haguth said unto her: 'The Father and the Mother are One.

    125. 'Did Adam cease to be Adam when Eve was made from his side?

    126. 'When our lord Abram loveth me, doeth he cease to love thee, Sabea? Nay.

    127. 'Love cannot be broken off from love as a flower is broken off from its stem.

    128. 'If water is taken from a river, doth the river cease to exist?'

    129. Sabea said unto her: 'Nay.'

    130. Haguth said unto her: 'Love is freedom under the government of the Word.'

    131. Now these were deep sayings for Sabea though she began to understand.

    132. Sabea said unto her: 'I perceive that the Most High is One and Many,

    133. 'Even as a single seed is one plant and many.

    134. 'Yahweh is love, but love is also the Mother, who is Yahweh.

    135. 'The Messiah is love, but love is also the children of the Messiah.

    136. 'Love never endeth.

    137. 'It filleth the whole universe.

    138. 'The Most High hath given it unto the Mother, and the Father and the Mother have given it unto the Son.

    139. 'And the Son hath given it unto us.'

    140. Haguth said unto her: 'This is so, and more.

    141. 'But remember, sweet sister-wife, that the Mother is Seven, and the Seven are many, for love multiplieth.

    142. 'When love hath begun it cannot end.

    143. 'Love cannot be destroyed, because it is the Most High Elohim.

    144. 'It may withdraw from a soul but it can never perish.

    145. 'And it may equally well return.

    146. 'This is the Tree of Life.

    147. 'This is the seed.

    148. 'He who planteth this seed in the souls of men shall wax strong in righteousness.

    149. 'He who partaketh of love hath the seed planted within him.

    150. 'And it shall grow up in him unto a Tree of Eternal Life like unto the first Tree.'

    151. Sabea said unto her: 'How shall we plant this seed in others?'

    152. Haguth said unto her: 'By opening our hearts to the Most High Elohim.'

    153. Now when she had heard these things, and they had penetrated into her soul, the countenance of Sabea began to light up from within.

    154. And so she drew close unto Haguth and embraced her ... in grattitude for what she had learned.

    155. The two sister-wives embraced one another in stillness and joy.

    156. Sabea looked into the eyes of Haguth and said: 'What is the oneness of the Mothers?'

    157. Now this was a deep question and Haguth at first hesitated, not knowing what to say unto her.

    158. For the knowledge of good cometh not only in words but in deeds of love.

    159. Therefore she was unsure what to say at first.

    160. When Haguth had released Sabea from their embrace, she said unto her:

    161. 'We are the ribs of Abram, even as the Mothers are the ribs or the envellope of love around the Father.

    162. 'We are one in Abram, our lord, but we are also one in each other;

    163. 'Even as the set-apart ones are one in the Most High, they are also one in each other.

    164. 'Behold, there is a primary union and a secondary union.

    165. 'There is a primary union of Elohim to man, as of husband to wives;

    166. 'And there is a secondary union of the set-apart ones to one another, even as of sister-wives to one another.

    167. 'The primary union is the source of the love of the secondary union;

    168. 'The secondary union is the distribution and multiplication of the love of the primary union.

    169. 'The union of Elohim to man, and of man to man, is of the spirit;

    170. 'But the union of husband and wives, and of sister-wives to each other, is of the whole soul.

    171 'For they are one spirit and one flesh, being one Adam.'

    172. Sabea said unto her: 'How can the union of the sister-wives be of the flesh in the same way as the union between man and wife, since they are not opposites?'

    173. Haguth said unto her: 'This mystery can only be understood through the Spirit in love.

    174. 'How do the set-apart ones love one another, since they are both male and female?

    175. 'Behold, they are all female unto the Most High, for they are in subjection unto Him, even though they are male and female in the flesh and in the spirit.

    176. 'Adam is male and his male servants are female, since they are subject unto him as servants.

    177. 'And, behold, some servants are placed over the other servants.

    178. 'Those that are subject are female, and those who are lords over the other servants are male.

    179. 'And yet they are all male in the flesh and in the spirit.'

    180. And it came to pass the Sabea began to understand, and said unto Haguth:

    181. 'It is as our lord Abram hath always taught us, for I am subject unto thee, sister-wife, and I am female and thou art male.

    182. 'Even as the children of men must love Yahweh the Most High greater than they must love themselves, so we sister-wives must love our lord Abram more than we do one another.

    183. 'When we forget to love the Most High more than one another, we fall into the sin of idolatry, and this is death.

    184. 'Then our knowing cometh not from above from the Tree of Life, but from below from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    185. 'Love for its own sake is death, but when it is from Elohim, and for Elohim, is it life!'

    186. And so Sabea grasped Haguth's hands and began to smile happily.

    187. Haguth said unto her: 'Thou hast spoken the truth, darling Sabea.

    188. 'To love the Most High is the first and greatest commandment of all:

    189. 'And to love one another is the second greatest commandment.

    190. 'But to love one another without loving the giver of that love, is an abominable sin that leadeth unto death.

    191. 'To love one another in grace and life can only be when we are first loving Yahweh.

    192. 'To love the Father is to adore Him whilst we are loving others;

    193. 'We cannot love others in place of the Father.

    194. 'Loving others in themselves alone is not loving Elohim:

    195. 'Loving Elohim whilst we love others is truly loving Elohim, and is the evidence thereof.

    196. 'Therefore, beloved Sabea, to love our lord Abram is to adore him whilst we are loving our sister-wives and not in place of him.

    197. 'Loving our sister-wives is not loving Abram:

    198. 'Loving Abram whilst we love our sister-wives is truly loving Abram, and is the evidence thereof.'

    227. And Haguth said unto her: 'Lovest thou our lord Abram with all thy mind, heart, and body?'

    228. Sabea said unto her: 'Yea, I love him with all my soul, even according to my covenants so to do.

    229. 'And I know that thou lovest him in the same manner.'

    230. Haguth said unto her: 'Am I our lord Abram?'

    231. Sabea said unto her: 'Yea, thou art our lord Abram, but I see Haguth with mine eyes and not Abram.

    232. 'Therefore I cannot behold this unity with my natural eyes.'

    233. Haguth said unto her: 'Lovest thou the Most High Elohim with all thy mind, heart and strength?'

    234. Sabea said unto her: 'Yea, and with my very life!'

    235. Haguth said unto her: 'Hast thou ever beheld the Most High in vision with thy spiritual eyes?'

    236. And thus Sabea understood, and her spiritual eyes were opened to the truthfulness of Haguth's sayings.

    261. Sabea said unto her: 'What is the evidence of this truth in the world that the Most High hath created?'

    262. And Haguth said unto her: 'Rememberest thou the parable of the honey-bee that our lord taught unto us?

    263. 'The bee moveth from one flower unto another.

    264. 'But there are two orders of flower, sweet sister-wife, the one order having flowers separate, and the others pressed closely together.

    265. 'The glory of those pressed together is greater than the glory of those separated, and is the mystery of the highest union.

    266. 'Behold the sun-flower - is it not glorious to behold, and bounteous in its fruitfulness?'

    267. Sabea said unto her: 'Yea, it is a glory to behold!'

    268. Haguth said unto her: 'The Most High hath created many orders of flower to reflect different degrees of union.

    269. 'Some flowers are pressed together in clusters, each with their own petals;

    270. 'And others are fused together and share common petals.

    271. 'Behold, the greater the integration and unity, the greater the love.

    272. 'Love is not aware of itself, but giveth freely.

    273. 'Love is male, and seeketh to pass on to the female, in all its several orders.

    274. 'Love is not ashamed because it abideth in truth.

    275. 'Love seeketh to bring joy into the lives of others and thinketh not to please itself.

    276. 'Yet love also receiveth, and passeth love on, multiplied and overflowing.

    277. 'Love never endeth.'

    278. Now as Haguth said these words, tears began to fill the eyes of Sabea who was greatly moved in her heart.

    281. When she looked up into the eyes of her sister-wife, behold, she saw the face of Abram, and saw the unity of Haguth and Abram in a new way.

    282. The face of Abram smiled at her out of the eyes of Haguth, and behold, she saw Abram-Haguth for the first time.

    283. And it came to pass the the face of Abram began to disappear from the eyes of Haguth, and behold, she felt the spirit of Abram within her.

    284. And as she looked into the eyes of Haguth, behold, she saw her own face, and within her own eyes she beheld the face of Abram.

    285. And as she looked at the face of Abram, behold, she saw the face of Haguth again, and within the eyes of the image of Haguth, she beheld her own face once more.

    286. The deeper she looked, the greater became her perception of the unity that existed between the three.

    287. And as the spirit of Abram enveloped her once more, so behold she became Abram also, and looked upon Haguth with the eyes of Abram.

    288. And as she beheld Haguth with the eyes of Abram, behold, she became the love of Abram and the love of Sabea, for they were one love, even the love of Abram-Sabea;

    290. Now in this moment of spiritual unity she beheld El Elyon, the Most High, and the Seven Mothers, in the act of Creation, yea, even of the Cosmos.

    291. And she was astonished at what she beheld.

    294. As the river entereth the sea, so Sabea entered the heart of Abram, uniting with the river of Haguth which entered them both.

    295. And as she felt the passion of Abram, so was she astonished at the joy thereof, for this she had never known before.

    Chapter 2

    94. And they were comforted by these things, for many of the wives of Abram had thought of what should become of them when he had gone, not knowing that he would take them unto himself by the Neshamah haQodesh.

    95. Nevertheless, not all are taken home in this manner, yea, verily, almost none at all, save Enoch and Melchizedek, who had gone before them.

    96. And after they had talked about these things a while, and the momentary heaviness of their hearts had departed at the thought of his death, they were refreshed and once more filled with hope.

    Chapter 3

    2. From that day forth a new and deeper bond came to pass between Haguth and Sabea, which thing was a marvel and a pure delight unto them, for they had not supposed that they could go even deeper ...

    44. The heart of Sabea was pierced with tenderness and her eyes began to moisten. Haguth saith unto her:

    45. 'Yahweh-Shalom hath entereth my mind and I feel thy sweet peace, yea, and I feel as a little child.'

    46. Now Haguth began to choke on her words, such was the love and gratitude that issued from her heart.

    48. Haguth saith: 'I feel your motherly spirit, and yet you are more than a mother. You are my wife in Abram.'

    49. Now at this a fountain of tears began to gush from the face of Haguth who became, as it were a little child.

    51. Haguth said unto her: 'I have no need to pretend with thee, sweet sister-wife, because we are free, and we are one with each other, and we are one with Abram, and we are one with Yahweh-Shalom.'

    103. 'For the Neshamah hath revealed unto me that a soul can do the most for another when it is centred in the love of giving without thought of self.

    105. 'And yet, because we were one, behold, there was no giving or receiving at all!

    106. 'In the moment of the revelation, I was open in every part of my soul.'

    137. Sabea saith unto him: 'It meaneth that I shall use her to nourish thee, and she shall use me to nourish thee also, for we shall nourish thee as one, being one Eve; and yet we shall nourish one another also for thou art in us.'

    141. Abram saith unto Haguth: 'And what do all these things taken together, mean, beloved?'

    142. Haguth saith unto him: 'My lord, it meaneth that we shall love thee with all our might, mind, and strength, with our whole body and spirit, as we love the Elohim;

    143. 'And we shall love one another with all our might, mind, and strength, with our whole body and spirit, as we love thee.

    145. 'And we desire do this even as the Messiah shall die for us in mind, heart and body so that we may become reconciled to Yahweh-Elohim through the shedding of His blood, which is His life, even as thou hast given thy life for us, thy wives, so that thou mightest redeem us as one Adam.'

    146. Now the countenance of Abram was one that was brightly burning, for he knew that finally they knew all things pertaining to the mystery ...

    147. And he saith unto them: 'Remember, that I am in thee, even as the Neshamah haQodesh is within us, and we are inseparably connected in all parts.

    Chapter 4

    1. Now when Abram had finished speaking these words, we knew with our whole souls that we belonged to one another in every part, which thing we had not before known ...

    4. And ... we came to understand the mysteries of the Seven Mothers, whose Names are Safety, Sensation, Power, Love, Abundance, Awareness and Holy Union.

    5. In these seven Ruachs we saw the seven struggles of man and woman to attain the purity and harmony of the Most High.

    6. And we beheld the long struggle that we had had in order to reach the seventh heaven, which is the domain of the Seventh Ruach;

    7. And in this place of unity, self had been forgotten and we have come to understand and unite with the soul of Abram;

    8. And in uniting with the soul of Abram we have united with the Elohim, for he is one with Them.

    9. And when these things have taken place, a soul is in union with the peace, energy, beauty, wisdom, clarity, effectiveness and oneness of the Elohim.

    10. And behold, in this blessed state, all fear of pain and vulnerability hath departed, for we live for Abram, as Abram liveth for the Elohim.

    11. What more have we to fear? Behold, there is no fear in the love of the Elohim, for all is seen and known, and love ruleth in the heart. Therefore we hesitate not.

    12. Now once we sister-wives had overcome the last fear ... we began to the more perfectly merge with one another.

    22. From those days forth all concepts of self began to vanish from us ... for ... we attained the fullness, from the beginning to the end.

    25. Through these things we came to understand the fullness of the mystery of the unity of the Seven Mothers, which mystery is great and glorious, but which we speak not of here, for we are overwhelmed by the glory of it all, and cannot write.

    26. In all these things we have understood that there is great order and harmony, for the movements are as the stars that sail across the night sky along their allotted courses, not deviating to the right or the left.

    27. For behold, holiness is always orderly, even as the petals upon a flower are arranged in glorious and orderly array, each in their proper place.

    28. For without order there is no harmony; and without harmony there is no beauty; and without beauty there is no joy.

    29. And joy belongeth unto the heavenlies, unto the glory of the Most High, Yahweh-Elohim, and to all the heavenly hosts therein.

    30. Therefore be blessed in our holiness, and fear not to be vulnerable;

    31. For in being vulnerable in the holiness of love of the Elohim is to become the glory of pure tenderness, which tenderness exalteth a woman and bringeth her into full union with her husband.

    32. Rejoice, ye wives of the Seventh Heaven, for unto you hath been given all things. Amen.

    Continued in 12 Abraham

    Author: LThE

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    First created on 8 August 2003
    Updated on 13 June 2016

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