The Madhouse

An exposé of the Swedish social and political system by Daniel Hammarberg. Chapter VIII on the Education System will be of especial interest to our readers. Not all the political or religious views expressed or implied by the author in this book are necessarily those of, its webmaster or the Swedish homeschooling community in general. For extracts of the book, comments and how to order the book, see the author's website at, his blog at, a parallel blog at the Daily Telegraph at, and see the author's discussion group/forum at, his YouTube movies at the end of the page, or purchase the book below:

Amazon Purchase Link

Book Chapter Titles



HomO, the Ombudsman against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation
The parliamentary Ombudsman (JO) – A convict's best friend
The Supreme Court - Den of indecency
Politics trumping law
The Civil rights movement.. of Sweden


The population registration (Folkbokföringen)
The County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) … and my cats
Gun laws
Abortions on demand - We'll let you pick gender too
Circumcisions and the Swedish state


Imposed sentences
The world's most luxurious prison system
Protecting the public?
The crime rate


Suicides as a consequence of institution placement
Personal LVU accounts
"Children's gulag" in the Swedish welfare state
Taken at birth
A discussion of ethics.. or tactics?
The administrative courts
The social services and the rule of law
Hiding your child from foster care = "kidnapping"
The Berlin wall


Free love for all.. including children
Prostitution and crime infiltrates government
Doris Hopp, the lesbian brothel manager
Two 14-year-olds
Doris Hopp is busted
A scandal emerges, and a memorandum is written
The truth is out.. and is denied
It's not over just yet
The aftermath




LGBT education as a part of the curriculum


Ahmed Rami - political refugee turned political prisoner
One man - twelve hate speech trials and counting
Academic freedom?
Brottby - Mass arrests at a White Power concert
The 21st century - Freedom of speech goes down the drain
Christians start to bite the dust
Homosexuals impaled on stakes?
So much for tolerance
The gay lobby
Addressing the gay lobby
The Sweden Democrats taunt Muslims - The Swedish Government apologizes
The slippery slope of criminalizing speech
Brief appendix - official exposition on the HMF law


State involvement in the "free press"
Sveriges Television - the state TV


The journey to Sweden
Social planning meets the intentional creation of an underclass
Diskrimineringsombudsmannen - Enabling victimization


Money matters
You get one third, the government gets two thirds
Astrid Lindgren, children's book author asked to pay 102% in taxes
Publicly funded addiction treatment
Mohammed has grasped the essence of life in Sweden
Swedish slavery
Brain drain
Work brings freedom?


Final analysis
Acknowledgements and inspiration
Exam questions

YouTube Movies by D.Hammarberg

The Socialist Utopia - Introduction
The Socialist Utopia - Government, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Government, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Economy, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Economy, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Education System
The Socialist Utopia - Swedish taxes
The Socialist Utopia - Swedish Gun Laws
The Socialist Utopia - Sweden's correctional system
The Socialist Utopia - Crime and Punishment, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Crime and Punishment, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Immigration, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Immigration, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Fascism of Thought, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Fascism of Thought, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - The Social Democrats, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - The Social Democrats, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Mass media, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Mass Media, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Atrocities, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Atrocities, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - Atrocities, Part 3
The Socialist Utopia - Atrocities, Part 4
The Socialist Utopia - Moral Depravity, Part 1
The Socialist Utopia - Moral Depravity, Part 2
The Socialist Utopia - The Justice System
The Socialist Utopia - Foster care in Sweden
The Socialist Utopia - The Journey to Sweden
The Socialist Utopia - Daniel Wretström & the Salem Manifestation
The Socialist Utopia - Swedish State TV
The Socialist Utopia - Sweden's Crime Rate
The Socialist Utopia - Outing of dissidents
Horny Harry and Candy the Cow - a Struggle for Equal Rights
State of the Swedish Child Welfare Address

New Book Examines Swedish Socialism and its Repercussions on World Politics

Though far from a military superpower, the kingdom of Sweden might still endanger your personal liberty due to its corps of diplomats and social planners. Sweden has recently made international headlines after having both jailed 40-year-old Christer Johansson for having taken his son Domenic back from state custody to see his family, a boy who was seized last year right as his family was about to leave the country; and also this November having sentenced a Christian couple to nine months in prison for having used spanking as a part of their child-rearing, also taking their children into foster care indefinitely in spite of loving family relationships.

"If Americans and other free peoples of the world aren't vigilant in defence of their liberty, Swedish law might one day become their law too" (PRWEB) January 25, 2011

Swedish diplomats are hard at work within the United Nations and other international agencies enforcing their own idiosyncratic views on such matters as what party is responsible for a child's upbringing - the family or the state - and also gun control, a matter that was the focus of UN resolution 55/255, the firearms protocol, commented on here. The latest development in Swedish gun control efforts is a proposal in a government bill that would require all prospective gun owners to undergo mandatory psychiatric examination. If Americans and other free peoples of the world aren't vigilant in defence of their liberty, Swedish law might one day become their law too. To let potential readers judge for themselves what to make of this global governance, Daniel Hammarberg has now released into print a book which until now was only available as an e-book; a 466 page tome by the name of "The Madhouse: A critical study of Swedish society," which at its basic level provides a comprehensive glimpse into Swedish society, but which does so in a structured and entertaining way, thoroughly referenced as well. Sweden is held in high regard in much of the western world today, yet few people are aware of just how much this image is a product of a dedicated public relations campaign on the part of the Swedish government. Critical accounts of this society rarely surface today, hence this book just might become the be-all and end-all of scrutinising this hollow facade.

Author Daniel writes both from academic familiarity with the matter at hand as well as from personal experiences with this creeping totalitarianism in contemporary Swedish society. The rule of law means significantly less here than in other western countries, and authorities exercise their power through far-reaching general clauses in order to accomplish political aims. For anyone who thought it'd be a natural right to raise children as long as they don't abuse them, and to keep animals as pets as long as they take proper care of them, they'll have to reconsider - the government here frequently takes children into state custody for simply atrocious reasons, which Daniel covers at great length in the book; and also included is the story of how a government inspector came into Daniel's home to see how he was keeping his two cats, after an animal rights activist had called the authorities on him due to supposed "neglect" of these cats. The legislation concerning pets here would be outright hilarious to read, had it not been for the fact that it's legally binding and can get offenders imprisoned for not abiding by it.

Daniel has made it his calling to enlighten the world on the state of Swedish society today, which includes working with the Nordic Committee for Human Rights; stepping in as a guest writer on the Friends of Domenic Blog; creating informative Youtube videos on such matters as Swedish gun laws, child welfare policies etc, videos that have grown quite popular; as well as making a three-hour long documentary entitled The Socialist Utopia, available for free. The main hub for his online presence is his website at

At this location, Daniel personally introduces the public to the book and discusses the themes it covers.

The book may be purchased by going the author's website or directly to the Amazon page.

Articles Published by Daniel Hammarberg

Not all the views expressed in these articles are necessarily those of

A Tale of Three Cities Under Siege - Phoenix, Malmö and Södertälje
Ron Paul: World-Wide Celebrity and Champion of Freedom, Yet Hounded Everywhere Too
Lax jail Security Sees Young Female Corrections Officer Killed in Sweden
Christopher Gillberg, forskningsskandalen och dess betydelse för svenska barn - Christopher Gillberg, Research Scandal and Its Consequences for Swedish Children (in Swedish)

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Last updated on 5 October 2011